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So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 9 PM – 10 PM ET for our When Calls The Heart recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our WCTH news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!
Tonight’s When Calls The Heart recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!
In tonight’s episode of WCTH with Lucas‘s mother in town, Elizabeth has decided to take a step back from deciding between him and Nathan. She looks over as she writes in her journal, seeing baby Jack look at a picture of his dad.
Lucas checks in with his mother. He is wondering when she wants to meet with Elizabeth. Meanwhile, the crate Lee and Rosemary ordered from their trip from South America has arrived. Leave hurts his back while trying to move it with the delivery man.
Out in front of her house, Elizabeth runs into Allie and the other kids. Nathan stops by. He hopes she might want to redo dinner after she fell ill the other night.
Rosemary and Jesse bring Lee to the doctors while Fiona attempts to hang the sign for her new barbershop. Some of the men in town make a joke about a woman cutting a man’s hair.
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I was on the road, the delivery man runs out of gas. Nathan speaks with Bill about Allie’s adoption. He admits to Bill that he had to borrow money from Lucas. He sees a map on Bill‘s desk. He asked him about some land on the map. Bill tells Nathan he owns it. Meanwhile, Lucas pays Elizabeth a visit to ask her if she will visit his mom. She has been in her hotel room and has not been very social.
Elizabeth heads into town with a basket of muffins. She runs into Rosemary who tells her Lee has a back sprain. She then arrives to see Lucas‘s mother. Lucas’s mother isn’t very warm and inviting and suggest Elizabeth dedicate more time to the discipline of her craft, writing.
Henry makes a business proposal to Lucas. Lucas turns him down immediately given their past business problems. Henry tries again, things will be different this time.
The delivery man arrives back in town to get gas. Jesse helps him. Fiona gets her first customer, Mike, who is hesitant to get his haircut. Meanwhile, Lucas‘s mother watches Elizabeth with the kids out of the hotel window. Lucas arrives. She tells him she thinks she is going to Like Elizabeth. While speaking with Fiona, Mike quickly turns away from her and is nicked in the ear with her scissors. He gets up and immediately runs to see Carson with Fiona chasing after him.
In town, Elizabeth runs into Nathan who is headed to see Bill‘s land because he has a potential buyer. He tells Elizabeth he is ready to settle down. She asks him if you wants to get together later. Just then Robert comes speeding by on a horse out of control. Elizabeth jumps on a horse and chases after him to help. They ride right past Jesse almost taking him out and the delivery man.
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Rosemary helps Lee into the house. He is in pain and takes forever to sit. She quickly rushes off to see Elizabeth to see about her meeting with Lucas’ mother. Elizabeth is nervous. They end up focusing on Baby Jack. Rosemary is so loving with him. It is clear she longs for a child. Elizabeth head out to her meeting.
The delivery man is still in town. He introduces himself to Bill as Joseph and asks about the gas station and the church. He likes Hope Valley and he is looking to settle down. Bill shares that he knows about some land.
Lucas’ mother is a bit stern with Elizabeth but soon they are laughing. Meanwhile, Henry shows Jospeh his cabin with Bill. It looks like Jospeh will be bringing his family to Hope Valley.
Elizabeth and Helen, Lucas’ mom, walk through the town and talk about her writing. Helen also shares that her husband left her. They sit and talk. Helen is upset and Lucas doesn’t know. Lucas arrives. Elizabeth makes a quick exit. But returns to ask Lucas for a favor.
Elizabeth arrives at Rosemary and Lee’s with a portable vacation to a tropical island. She brings music, food and wine to thank them. Elizabeth leaves with Jack. Lee and Rosemary dance slowly because of his back.
At the post office, Henry picks up his mail. A letter has been sent back to him and the letter has been opened. Henry gets upset. At Lucas’ restaurant, Molly embarrasses herself when she goes to find out who Bill is with. It is Lucas’ mother. Molly runs off.
At Fiona’s barber shop, Mike returns with an apology. He asks to have his haircut finished. Jesse is also brought in by Clara. Back at home, Elizabeth confides in Rosemary about Lucas’ mother and how her husband left her. After, Lee opens the crate and discovers more than 200 pounds of coffee.
In town, Bill finds Molly. He suggests maybe she has a crush on him. She laughs and walks off. Carson finds Henry angry at the post office. He falls leaving. Carson reminds him about his blood pressure. There is also something else going on. They head off to talk.
Nathan returns to see Elizabeth. He loves Bill’s land. He could see starting a life there. Elizabeth finally decides to tell him she cannot be with him. She could lose him like she lost Jack. He tells her he would stop being a Mountie. She gets on her house and rides off as he tells her he loves her.
Nathan professing his love so abruptly just does not seem sincere…they never even had an actual romantic date and jump to declaring love. Way tooo impulsive. Lucas is a better match, patient and gentle, their relationship is effortless as true partnership should be..