When Calls The Heart Recap 03/14/21: Season 8 Episode 4 “Welcome to Hope Valley”

When Calls The Heart Recap 03/14/21: Season 8 Episode 4 "Welcome to Hope Valley"Tonight on the Hallmark Chanel When Calls The Heart airs with an all-new Sunday, March 14, 2021, season 8 episode 4 and we have your When Calls The Heart recap below. On tonight’s  WCTH season 8 episode 4 called, “Welcome to Hope Valley” as per the Hallmark Channel synopsis, “The inquiry begins, and Nathan starts to question his own actions.

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Meanwhile, a new family, the Canfields, buy Gowen’s cabin and Elizabeth welcomes them to Hope Valley. Lee’s sister and niece arrive in Hope Valley.

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 9 PM – 10 PM ET for our When Calls The Heart recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our WCTH news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

Tonight’s When Calls The Heart recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Elizabeth arrives at the library early. Lucas is sleeping at the table. He wakes. Long night researching. Elizabeth doesn’t say much while he tries to help her out the door politely. Outside, they see several Mounties. They are in town for Nathan’s investigation.

Elizabeth arrives to the home of the new family in town to bring books and say hello. She meets the parents, Minnie and Joseph, as well as their kids, Angela and Coop. She learns that Angela is blind and homeschooled. She attempts to invite Angela to her school but Minnie cuts her off.

Rosemary and Lee meet his sister and niece at the train station. Meanwhile, Bill is being quite by a group of Mounties about Nathan and last year’s prison transfer shooting.

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Carson gets ready to head out to perform a surgery. Faith will stay behind to care for the town. They decide to spend Sunday to discuss their relations at work and at home. Molly arrives to see Faith. She needs advice. Meanwhile, Clara is still mad at Jesse for buying Lee’s motorcycle.

Allie stays inside for recess. She tells Elizabeth she is worried about her uncle. Allie worries it will be like Fort Clay. Elizabeth asks about Fort Clay. Jack was stationed there before.

Elizabeth sees Jospeh in town and invites Angela once again to her school. He turns her down but tells her to be ready for his son. Across town, Nathan answers questions from the superintendent. Bill objects when he asks questions outside of the incident.

Rosemary and Elizabeth talk. Rosemary vents about her sister in law. Elizabeth shares what Allie told her. Why didn’t Nathan tell her he was there. Meanwhile, Nathan tells Bill how he disobeyed orders in Fort Clay. Bill asks him if he ever met Jack. He tells Bill no.

Elizabeth joins Lee and Rosemary and his family for dinner. Lee’s sister corrects her daughter Rachel and her behavior several times. It makes them uncomfortable. Things get tense when Rachel discusses going to Hollywood. Rosemary told her all about it.

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Clara and Jesse make up over ice cream. Nathan consoles Allie who is worried he will go to jail.

Rosemary takes Rachel to her dress shop. Lee plans to spend the day with his sister. Rosemary tells Lee to talk to his sister about being so strict. He laughs. Its easier when she gets her way.

Joseph, Minnie and Angela listen to coop introduce himself at the school. Angela wants to go to school badly. Joseph tries to change Minnie’s mind. She says she will think about it. Back at home, Angela plays the piano while her parents watch.

At the shop, Rachel helps Molly put together a dress. Rosemary tells Rachel to pick any dress in the shop. She’s great at selling but needs to dress the part. She tells Rosemary her mother hasn’t let her buy anything modern.

Elizabeth brings Coop home and wells up with tears after seeing Angela play. Later, Elizabeth asks Minnie again. She will make sure Angela is safe and never teased.

Rosemary brings Rachel home in fashionable pants and make-up. Lee’s sister gets very angry. Rachel runs off crying. Rosemary leaves after Lee’s sister is rude to her and Lee has to step in.

Bill gets the superintendent alone at the saloon. He tells him to do the right thing before storming off. Molly comes in with her dress on, feeling great. He walks right by her. She doesn’t let it ruin her night. She plans to keep trying. Bill is definitely into the long game.

Lee’s sister sits down with Lee and Rosemary to apologizing and then asks if they will take Rachel in. She is 18 but needs fostering and where they live with all the factories and canneries, its no place for her anymore. Rosemary jumps at the chance and says yes. Lee agrees after.

Elizabeth sees Allie marching to Nathan’s trial. Elizabeth doesn’t stop her. She goes with her. Inside the station, Nathan pleads his case and actions. Allie comes in, crying she tells them how great her uncle is. Elizabeth takes her away after. They wait outside. Nathan comes out with a smile. Elizabeth smiles too. Lucas watches this silent moment between the two from a distance.

Rachel sees her mother off as she plans to stay in Hope Valley. Carson brings Faith a doctor bag with her name on it. Florence and Molly talk in town. Bill walks by, saying hello. He tells Molly she had on some dress before walking off. She smiles wide.

Elizabeth sees Lucas in town. She apologizes to him for not being forthright. He too apologizes for talking to her so rudely. She tells him that her and Nathan won’t be seeing one another. Now they can see what is to come for them. Lucas walks off with a smile. Nathan comes by on his horse. She asks him if he ever met Jack, he tells her no before riding off.


WCTHWCTH Season 8 PremiereWhen Calls the HeartWhen Calls The Heart PremiereWhen Calls The Heart Season 8 Episode 4When Calls The Heart Season 8 Episode 4 Recap 03/14/21
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