When Calls The Heart Recap 03/21/21: Season 8 Episode 5 “What the Heart Wants”

When Calls The Heart Recap 03/21/21: Season 8 Episode 5 "What the Heart Wants"Tonight on the Hallmark Chanel When Calls The Heart airs with an all-new Sunday, March 21, 2021, season 8 episode 5 and we have your When Calls The Heart recap below. On tonight’s  WCTH season 8 episode 5 called, “What the Heart Wants” as per the Hallmark Channel synopsis, “It’s graduation day at the Jack Thornton School house.

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Rosemary and Lee adjust to having family in town. A letter from Dottie sends all the Coulters reeling. Clara learns Jesse made a big mistake..

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 9 PM – 10 PM ET for our When Calls The Heart recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our WCTH news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

Tonight’s When Calls The Heart recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s episode of WCTH, Elizabeth is feeling bitter sweet as another school year has come to a close. Graduation is tomorrow. Robert hugs Elizabeth, thanking her for being his teacher all of these years.

Rosemary talks to Rachel at work. She is proud of her. Rachel shares she is happy in Hope Valley but a little homesick. Rosemary gets a special letter. It is from the dress shop’s owner. She has decided to sell the dress shop. Rosemary is completely caught off guard. Lee arrives. She tells him the sad news. He isn’t too worried. Rosemary cannot believing he is being so cavalier.

Bill visits Nathan. He is supposed to be on vacation and Bill filling in. He tells Nathan to go and enjoy himself. Meanwhile, Clara tells Faith she is nervous to run the barbershop while Fiona is away.

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Lucas runs into Henry. Henry has agreed to return to work for him. After, Lucas invites Elizabeth to dinner. She accepts. Just then, Nathan rides by. Elizabeth is slightly uncomfortable.

Elizabeth meets with Coop’s parents to discuss his work. She tells them how great he is doing and then asks the whole family to attend the graduates ceremony. Minnie is hesitated but accepts, saying she will bring Angela.

At the mercantile, Florence and Ned share a moment but are interrupted by Faith and Carson. Florence tells them Ned is having stomach issues and won’t address it. He tells them he is fine. After, Carson is mysterious about a letter he received, telling Faith every is fine.

Bill tries on his Mountie coat before taking it off quickly. He heads to the barbershop, interrupting Clara with Molly who quickly hides herself. Bill leaves after trying to get an appointment. The town hears a scream. Clara has burned off Molly’s hair.

Lucas gets ready for his and Elizabeth’s big date while Rosemary and Elizabeth talk about the dress shop. Rosemary thinks she needs to find something to do with her life that is more meaningful. Elizabeth shows her a dress her sister sent. Rosemary loves it. She plans to alter it for her date.

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Bill offers Clara more hours. She jumps at it but doesn’t want to share why she had a bad day. He tells her fine but he has a stipulation. That night, Rosemary is making dinner when Lee arrives home. Rachel hasn’t come back from a walk. Rosemary is worried. She also found a novel of romantic nature. Lee laughs. They head out to find her.

Elizabeth asks Nathan to come to her home. When he arrives, she asks him why he skipped parent teacher conference. He tells her he went fishing. They can talk now.

Elizabeth tells him that Allie was doing great but recently she has been distracted. Most likely due to his recent Fort Clay problems. He apologizes. He will be at the ceremony.

Jesse arrives at the cafe for dinner. Bill and Clara tell him about how they have been talking about being partners. Jesse is nervous and wants to talk more. After Bill tells him no pressure, he tells Clara he thought she wanted to tighten their belts.

Lee and Rosemary find Rachel walking in the dark. The next day, Elizabeth and Lucas take a ride on their horses. They stop to talk. He tells her he is going to skip the graduate for Nathan. He doesn’t want to make it uncomfortable. She thinks this is very thoughtful.

At graduation, Elizabeth welcomes all of the families and students. She calls Robert to the podium to speak. Several students join him. They sing a song about Elizabeth. Robert says goodbye as he is moving on. After the ceremony, Nathan thanks Elizabeth for everything.

Elizabeth is approached by the Canfields. Minnie wants to work towards getting Angela into school. Elizabeth is thrilled. Meanwhile, Clara learns that Jesse has spent all of their savings. She tells him to leave.

Elizabeth eats at her house with Lucas after a change in plans. Jack has been missing her so she is excited Lucas is so flexible about their date. They talk and share a dessert. She is having a lovely time. He is also very happy. He takes her hand. She tells him she wants to take things slowly.


WCTHWCTH Season 8 PremiereWhen Calls the HeartWhen Calls The Heart PremiereWhen Calls The Heart Season 8 Episode 5When Calls The Heart Season 8 Episode 5 Recap 03/21/21
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