Married At First Sight Couples’ Cam Spoilers & Recap 07/30/20: Season 10 Episode 25 “Baby Steps”

Tonight on Lifetime their hit series Married At First Sight airs with an all-new Wednesday, July 30, 2020, season 10 episode 25 called, “Baby Steps” and we have your Married At First Sight recap below. On tonight’s Married At First Sight season 10 episode 25 as per the Lifetime synopsis, “Deonna gives Greg a female anatomy lesson, Beth & Jamie are at odds about traveling home to North Carolina, Daniella embraces her pregnancy cravings, Ashley tells Anthony she’s been keeping a big secret from him, Shawniece and Japhte have a tense argument…about breakfast cereal. ”

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So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our Married At First Sight recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Married At First Sight recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

Tonight’s Married At First Sight Couples’ Cam, begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

After ten seasons of “Married At First Sight”, nine of them are still married. The couples have remained in close contact during quarantine and they supported each other throughout the pandemic as well as their own personal triumphs. Jamie and Doug just had a baby.

They were dealing with a new infant and the sad fact that their older daughter has regressed. Henley doesn’t stay asleep anymore. She wakes up in the middle of the night and she demands more milk. Henley was just as bad as Hendrix who needed milk at all hours of the day because he was still a newborn. And so neither Jamie nor her husband Doug was getting any sleep.

The couple was sleep-deprived. They were sleep-deprived and they couldn’t rely on their old methods of dropping their child off with grandparents. Doug’s parents had needed to be tested for Covid-19. They were and thankfully the couple found out about their results tonight.

His parents were negative for the virus. They can now meet their youngest grandchild and so the couple packed up their kids for a family visit. In other news, Deonna was checking in with her husband on their babymaking. It had taken a lot to convince him that they should try for a baby and now Deonna is contacting making sure he’s okay with everything.

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They want to become parents. Deonna told Greg when she unpacked her last set of birth control pills and she told him how close they were to having babies themselves and Greg seemed fine with it. Greg is onboard. He wants to be a father and so maybe Deonna doesn’t have to check up with him over everything. Then there was Danielle and her husband Bobby.

They were pregnant with their second child and cravings have already kicked in. Danielle craved Spanish food. She and her husband were often outside waiting on the drive-thru line because Danielle needed to eat until she was full.

Danielle couldn’t eat in the car. Her husband was afraid she’d drop crumbs and he didn’t want to mess up his car. Bobby was actually being very insightful. Eating in cars should be ruled out because the car always gets messed up and then they might end up with the same situation as Jamie and Doug. The couple opened up Jamie’s car for the first time in a long time.

They thought the car would just be musty and instead, they found mice. The mice had nested in the glove compartment. Doug had to go in there with a trash bag and he planned on removing them. Only he didn’t have to. The mice left on their own and so that was a prime example of why people shouldn’t be eating in cars.

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A better moment would be when Elizabeth cooked a nice southern meal for her husband Jamie. They were both from the Carolinas originally and she had wanted to remind her husband of home. She made baked macaroni and cheese with biscuits and honey and some greens.

It was very high in calories and they both enjoyed the meal. Jamie had questioned why his wife had cooked him such a great meal. He thought she was doing it because she wanted to visit their families back home and she was using food to bribe him, but she never mentioned such a trip. All she asked him as if he enjoyed the food and he did.

While on the topic of food, Jephte has noticed someone’s been eating his cereal. He was on a diet until recently and so it couldn’t have been him. It had to be someone else. Jephte asked his wife Shawneice about it. She said that their daughter has been eating cereal and she tried to tell him that she only gave the girl cereal on two occasions, but Jephte asked the toddler and the toddler had no clue what her mother was talking about. Nor what her father was talking about for that matter. The little girl didn’t know what was going on and so Jephte tried to claim their daughter told him she eat the cereal five times.

Jephte was really broken up about that cereal. He was losing it and so he talked to his wife about it. They mentioned how hard it was to be on top of each other all the time. They knew when the other went to the bathroom or was in front of the television and it was stressful. They needed space. They didn’t have it in their current home and their city wasn’t opening up.

They weren’t like Jessica and Austin. The latter couple was finally able to go out for a meal together. They went outsides without masks on and they grabbed dinner. This dinner came after months of stress. It came after Jessica was working crazy hours as a Nurse Manager. The Covid-19 unit was just closed at her hospital and now Jessica has some time to herself.

Later, Deonna and Greg threw away her birth control pills together. It was the final step and it showed that they were both ready for what came next. Danielle and Bobby in the meantime tried to eat a little healthier. Bobby created muffins from scratch and he fed that to the wife rather than take his wife to another fast food joint. Taco Bell wasn’t real Spanish food anyways.

Then there was Elizabeth and Jamie. Jamie brought his wife some pot brownies. He used them to remind his wife how much stuff they can get if they stay where they were. It’s not like she can get pot brownies in the Carolinas and so he won this round. They both ate the brownies. They enjoyed the trip they went on and Elizabeth stopped dropping hints about visiting friends and family.

And at the end of the day, Doug’s parents were so giddy with happiness about seeing their grandchildren that they were even moved to tears. They were just that happy.

And it turns out Danielle wasn’t the only one pregnant. Ashley revealed to her husband that she was pregnant too.


Lifetime Married At First Sight Couples' CamMarried At First Sight Couples' CamMarried At First Sight Couples' Cam PremiereMarried At First Sight Couples' Cam SpoilersMarried At First Sight Couples’ Cam Recap 7/30/20
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