Married At First Sight Couples’ Cam Spoilers & Recap 08/27/20: Season 10 Episode 29 “Parting Ways”

Tonight on Lifetime their hit series Married At First Sight airs with an all-new Thursday, August 27, 2020, season 10 episode 29 called, “Parting Ways,” and we have your Married At First Sight recap below. On tonight’s Married At First Sight season 10 episode 29 as per the Lifetime synopsis, “Shawniece and Jephte spend some time away from each other; Danielle and Bobby go through a tragedy; Jamie and Beth are tested for COVID-19; Steph heads to Aruba alone.

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So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our Married At First Sight recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Married At First Sight recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

Tonight’s Married At First Sight Couples’ Cam, begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

All the couples talk by camera. Steph and AJ share that she is going to Aruba. Jamie and Beth share they need to be tested COVID. Later, they head to get tested. They are not showing signs but want to be safe. Beth takes the test first, sticking a swab up her nose. She freaks out. Jamie records her. He goes next and has trouble doing it.

Anthony wakes and sees Ashley sleeping. She sleeps with a large body pillow that makes him laugh. Meanwhile, Steph packs for her solo trip.

Danielle drops their dog Henry off at the vet. Henry has stopped eating. Danielle is very emotional about Henry. He has gone through a lot.

Greg and Deonna sit and talk. He is closing his center. He jokes, asking if he could be a stay at home dad. They are only going to have one income instead of two now. Things will be challenging.

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Jephte is with his daughter visiting his mom and brother. Meanwhile, Shawniece is with her cousins before she decides to relax after not being alone until now.

Austin shares with Jessica that he thinks he wants to join the national guard to help his career. Jessica is nervous but wants to be supportive. She offers to help him train when he shares he may have not get in shape more. They laugh about gaining weight during the pandemic.

Beth and Jamie find out that they have tested negative. They are happy and finally arrive home. The airport is very quiet with few people around because of the pandemic.

Anthony hides Ashley’s massive body pillow. She finds it in their daughter’s room an hour later.

Kenly, Jephte’s brother, visits him. They talk about Jephte’s relationships. Kenly thinks it sounds as if they are done. This upsets Jephte. Meanwhile, Shawniece vents to his mom about her relationship.

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AJ does some solo dining, feeling a little sad that Steph is in Aruba by herself. Steph is at the beach having fun.

Danielle is very emotional after learning Henry has a growth on his spleen. After talking to Bobby, she has decided to let Henry go to heaven. They were given the chance to say goodbye to Henry although their daughter didn’t know what that meant.

Austin and Jessica warm up in their living room. They plan to have a friendly competition. Whoever can do the most will win. Austin wins!

Ashley comes home to find Anthony sleeping with her body pillow. She records him. Meanwhile, Beth and Jamie are starting to feel bad and think they may actually have the coronavirus even after testing negative.

AJ surprises Steph who comes home to see her picture printed out and placed all over the apartment. He missed her. She laughs, calling him creepy.

Deonna has created a game for her and Greg to play to take his mind off of his center. They have fun playing. Deonna wins. Greg admits it helped forget his worries. He gives her a back rub after.

Jephte has found the book Shawniece packed. It makes him remember how thoughtful she is. Meanwhile, Bobby has bought Henry a headstone. It makes Danielle happy to see. They head out to the yard. Danielle says a few words about the dog she loved.

Jamie and Beth head back to a drive-thru for another round of coronavirus testing.

Lifetime Married At First Sight Couples' CamMarried At First Sight Couples' CamMarried At First Sight Couples' Cam PremiereMarried At First Sight Couples' Cam SpoilersMarried At First Sight Couples’ Cam Recap 8/27/20
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