Married At First Sight Poll: Who Made The Best Decision Day Choices? Vote Now!

Decision Day delivered debatable conclusions on Lifetime’s ‘Married At First Sight’. Each married couple was asked to remain together, or part based on the past eight weeks of marriage.

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MAFS’ Jessica Studer and Austin Hurd, Taylor Dunklin and Brandon Reid, Meka Jones and Michael Watson, Katie Conrad and Derek Sherman, along with Mindy Shiben and Zack Justice all reached decision points regarding their marriages.

MAFS’ experts Dr. Viviana Coles, Pastor Calvin Roberson, and Dr. Pepper Schwartz provided their ever-thoughtful guidance and heartfelt reactions in the penultimate episode of this unique, real-life series that is about to conclude its tenth season.

Viewers are now considering who made the best decisions as the finale airs on Wednesday, April 22.

Jessica And Austin – Leap Of Faith Taken

Austin was finally willing to say that he loved Jessica after she’d openly expressed her feelings about him. And with that, Austin said, “Of course I want to stay married.”

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This couple had the arguably purest spark from the stark. They were advised by the experts to make an active plan that could be implemented if either person felt disconnected during periods when Austin’s work schedule would cause them to be apart.

This couple appears to be on good footing.

Taylor And Brandon – Sad Ending For Willing Partner

Taylor’s solitary place on the couch at the start of this couple’s segment appeared to say it all. Then, Brandon arrived.

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The experts weren’t receptive to Brandon’s comments about the MAFS’ production staff being responsible for him being late for work on two occasions. Brandon said that he only decided to show up for Decision Day because he’d received an apology from the off-camera staff for what happened.

Taylor said that she wanted a divorce because she was hopeful and kept trying because they were starting to feel comfortable, but never felt supported and couldn’t depend on her husband.

After hearing his wife’s decision, Brandon said, “I’m over all of this.” He later added, “Love don’t live here no more.”

It would be hard to logically argue that this couple should have remained together, as sometimes people simply aren’t a good match. Thankfully, the future offers opportunities for growth.

Meka And Michael – A Tough Call, But Understandable

Meka’s desire to get a divorce represents what can be claimed as the saddest story among all five couples, as she did feel that real marriage was achieved. But her belief only arose two days before Decision Day.

Michael wanted to remain married. He was fully forthright in admitting his faults and desire to break the habit of concealing his feelings. His extended reaction to Meka’s decision to part was touching, as viewers and the experts could see that he was sincere.

Meka’s uncertainty about trusting her husband was paired with Michael’s late realization that some of his prominent personality traits didn’t fit within the boundaries of marriage. Saying that, “I don’t believe in divorce.”, and that he had to live with the consequences provided evidence that Michael had progressed as a result of the experience.

Regrettably, the distance between this couple was too significant.

Katie And Derek – Mutually Unwilling To Quit

This pairing’s projection of mutual bravery was commendable. Katie and Derek decided that they liked each other enough to remain connected, with a shared belief that love can eventually result.

As the experts discussed, friendship is the base of strong relationships. Pastor Roberson added that love is something that grows, which reinforced this couple’s potential.

Derek’s comment, “I want to stay married because I do believe I can fall in love with you.”, brought Katie to tears and also elicited a warm reaction among the experts.

This couple has a chance to persist, as their signatures on a one-year real estate lease confirmed. But a tease at the end of the episode puts Katie and Derek’s future in question.


Mindy and Zack – Not Enough To Persist

Mindy separated from Zack weeks ago. But a recent video of her seeming to imply that this relationship might not be over provided a surprising glimmer of hope.

After saying, “You have it in you to be a good husband.”, Mindy also said that separating from Zack proved to be best for her and that, “A huge weight was lifted off of me.”

Zack was forthcoming. He wished that he’d handled matters differently, offered an apology for his behavior, and said that he’d let Mindy down. Zack was resigned to her decision to divorce.

Fans of ‘Married At First Sight’ rightfully express their opinions on a regular basis. So, who made the best Decision Day choices? Please vote in our poll!

This site is a leading source for everything linked to ‘Married At First Sight’.

Dr. Pepper SchwartzDr. Vivian ColesLifetime Married at First SightLifetime Married at First Sight'spoilersMarried at First SightMarried at First Sight NewsMarried At First Sight SpoilersTaylor Dunkin
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