Married At First Sight Spoilers: Americans Outraged Over Lack of Diversity in Australia’s MAFS

Married at First Sight Australia has recently premiered in the United States on Wednesday. It has garnered a lot of attention as well as some criticism for a specific reason. This reason has been because of the lack of diversity on the show. The Married at First Sight Australian version which is airing its seventh season in the United States has no participants of colour. Only one of the couples has mixed-race bride.

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Married at First Sight Spoilers- Viewers Point Out Diversity Issue

This was pointed out on Reddit where a fan of the show pointed out the lack of diversity in the season. They went on to write, “I got into a few Australian reality shows a few years back when I watched the Bachelor AU and decided to dive into other Australian shows as well, like MAFS and Love Island AU. I’ve noticed none of these shows has a diverse cast. Maybe there is a random Asian thrown in, but it’s mostly white. Is this an issue in Australia amongst viewers?”

Married at First Sight Spoilers- Other Viewers Respond

This has resulted in a few responses from other viewers of the show in regards to the Australian show. One of the viewers commented, “Yeah, not just white Aussies but specifically bogan Aussies.” While another one commented, “The Bachelor AU is even worse. Throw in a random African or Indian or Asian person who is out by the 2nd-5th episode. Or throw in a random half Asian/half Arab person who’s white passing/ambiguous who makes it a bit further but not final 4.” While another one commented, “I agree with you. There’s a stunning lack of diversity. Everybody on that show is a bats**t crazy, camera-seeking wannabe Instagram star. Where are the normal people?”

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However, another viewer, who is an American who currently lives in Australia, decided to give a different outlook on the show and the lack of diversity. As the population in Australia is much different than how it is in the United States, “As an American who now lives in Australia… you cannot look at this country through the lens of America. The country has a completely different history and a very different climate,’ they wrote. ‘Australia is its own country and MAFS reflects, statistically, the population. Why shoehorn something in just to make viewers in another country feel better?”

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