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Tonight on Lifetime their American hit series Married At First Sight airs with an all-new Wednesday, October 29, 2020, season 11 episode 17 called, “The Grand Finale” and we have your Married At First Sight recap below.
On tonight’s Married At First Sight season 11 episode 17 as per the Lifetime synopsis, “Ten individuals who were married at first sight reunite to give updates on where this unprecedented experience has taken them. Along with host Kevin Frazier, the couples share their fairytale endings and happy memories, along with shocking behind-the-scenes drama emotional breakdowns.
So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 10 PM ET for our Married At First Sight recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Married At First Sight recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!
Tonight’s Married, At First Sight, begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!
What happened after Decision Day? Ten singles were brought together and paired up by relationship experts. These experts made the best choices they could. They chose these couples based on similar behaviors and/or backgrounds and, while there were some that were now happy, there were also others who are now divorced. Two couples chose to get a divorce. Three couples chose to stay married. They all came back tonight to answer so much needed questions. Questions about how are they doing now that they’re single again? There were also questions about how many couples are still together now that the cameras are gone.
Woody and Amani are still together. They were a success story. There was an instant physical attraction for both of them and they took the time to get to know each other. It’s not every couple who attempted this. Woody stood out when he said he wanted to get to know his wife emotionally first and that sex wasn’t his first priority. He wanted to know everything about Amani. He also wooed her. He left flowers leading up to a bath he drew just for her. There were random gifts like diamond earrings that he gifted her just because and so Woody was a romantic. And he made it easy for Amani to fall in love with him.
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Woody also quickly began calling Amani his wifey and he refers to her as Mrs. Randall. Amani was asked tonight if she was willing to take Woody’s last name officially. She said she did want that. She actually tried to change her name during the quarantine and she couldn’t do it because she couldn’t access the Social Security department with everything lockdown. Only Amani will try again once everything opens up. She wants to take Woody’s name and just the fact she tried to do so was important to him. Woody and Amani were discussing having children and getting a dog. They fought over when they should get a dog, but Amani knows Woody will cave if she pushes for it.
Woody was asked tonight if he’s been keeping anything back from Amani. Amani believes he’s always been honest with her and so watching him sweat tonight must have been interesting. She wondered what it is he’s holding back. She never thought Woody would get on one knee in front of her or that he announced to everyone he really does love her. Woody even bought her a new engagement ring. The show had purchased her first ring and Woody wanted his wife to have something he chose and paid for. It was a beautiful moment. Amani was teary-eyed as she accepted her new engagement ring and it was clear she loved Woody more than ever.
They called their love story a fairytale. They were two strangers that were brought together and they went on a romantic getaway. They fell in love by getting to know each other and the background scenery to it all was the beautiful scenes of New Orleans. Woody and Amani couldn’t be any happier. They were so different to the Brett and Olivia pairing. Brett and Olivia were married, but now they’re getting a divorce and they couldn’t even be in the same room. Brett stayed home because of a supposed work thing. He said he couldn’t risk himself because of work and so he let Olivia go into the studio by herself.
Olivia wasn’t even surprised by it. She was used to Brett letting her down and these two were the first to exit the experiment. They broke up during lockdown. They were having problems before Covid-19 and so being locked up together just made everything worse. Brett couldn’t do anything right according to Olivia. She felt her husband was putting on a show for the cameras and that truthfully he was an a**hole. Brett denies he’s a jerk. He also said that Olivia wanted a husband as an accessory and she grew discontent with Brett the moment she realized she couldn’t slide him into her life.
Brett and Olivia both said horrible things about each other. There was no remaining friendship or respect left. They hated each other. They began hating each other while they were still married and they each deny the accusations made by the other. Olivia also added how he got ideas about the things he says about her from social media. She says social media has formed this horrible impression of her like she’s selfish and she likes spending money and she isn’t like that. She said she goes on vacation once a year. She treats herself just the one as a break from her everyday life and that she was opened to a new relationship.
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Olivia said it was Brett who wasn’t opened. The two of them got along when they first met because there was an attraction and there was so much they had in common. They were both big on family. They loved cats and they were big on each other until suddenly they stopped. Olivia became very needy according to Brett. She began demanding more and more attention and Brett said he couldn’t handle it. Brett was also in some hot water himself because he was quite sarcastic. Olivia complained about the sarcastic look he would give her and she would lose attraction for him if she caught him checking himself out in the mirror. And so these two were not the perfect pair.
It’s a good thing they were getting a divorce because Brett is already dating again. He’s back on Tinder and he’s been matched with several of Olivia’s friends. Olivia’s friends told her about these matches. They also said that he’s been dating like crazy using the app and so Olivia again repeated the phrase from earlier. She said Brett didn’t handle the experiment like he wanted to find love. He was just messing around and being on tv. He didn’t join for the right reasons. Olivia says she feels cheated because if she had been paired up with someone who was there for the right reasons then maybe she could have been happy.
No one loved bragging about a divorce. Brett and Olivia didn’t work out. Amelia and Bennett however were working out. The couple chose to stay married on Decision Day and they have no regrets. They are happily in love. Amelia and Bennett were instantly attracted to each other and the first thing that took off between them was their friendship. They were both quirky in their own ways. The only thing that seemed to faze them was Amelia’s residency. She began her marriage to Bennett not knowing when or where she would be matched for her residency and so the two of them focused on other things at first.
They discussed kids. They had to discuss it on what was technically their third date because Amelia found Bennett didn’t believe in having biological children with all the kids that are currently in foster care and so she mentioned to him that she always thought she would have children of her own. This doesn’t she doesn’t understand where he was coming. There were a lot of needy children in the world and it would be good if they could give one of them home. Only she also wanted to experience pregnancy and childbirth. Amelia was so set on this idea that she convinced Bennett to be open-minded about it.
Then, after they made peace over children, that’s when her residency came up. Amelia was matched to a hospital in Virginia and so she and Bennett had to discuss the future of their relationship. They could try long-distance or Bennett could come with her. He chose to come up with her. He moved to Virginia with Amelia and it wasn’t easy. He left behind his friends, his family, and his own career as a playwright to follow Amelia. Amelia was also working a lot of hours. Her first year as a resident was going to be taken up by the pandemic and so Bennett was more or less on his own in a different city. And yet the two of them made it work.
Bennett doesn’t regret leaving New Orleans. He was happy with whatever time he has with his wife Amelia and she was happy to come home to him. The two of them were an ideal couple. The same couldn’t be said of Henry and Christina. The latter had a problem almost from the start because Henry didn’t think a woman who left a five-year relationship less than a year before the experiment was ready to get married or to be with someone else. He went into their honeymoon knowing he wouldn’t make a move on her. He just treated her like a roommate and so Christina grew impatient with him.
Christina wanted to be wanted. She wanted someone who was attracted to her and she never figures out if Henry was or not. Henry seems to have looked for reasons not to give his marriage a chance. He just pushed her away and then she started thinking he was gay. She came up with a whole story about someone telling her he was gay and the truth is she was probably thinking that ever since he refused to even come onto her. But that’s okay. Christina and Henry chose to get a divorce and they’ve moved on. Christina was dating someone new and she was happy. She thought this new relationship might turn into something serious one day.
Henry wasn’t dating anyone. He’s had offers and he hasn’t pursued it because of something or another. His standoffish behavior during his marriage was similar to Karen’s behavior. Karen and Miles were matched by experts and they chose to stay married on Decision Day. Things haven’t always been easy between them. Again, this goes back to Karen being standoffish. She has so many walls up that seemed near impossible for Miles to overcome them all and so it was a surprise when he did. Miles put in the work. He treated Karen with respect and interest and he waited and waited until she was finally ready to show intimacy.
Intimacy didn’t mean sex when it comes to Karen. Karen had a hard time sharing a kiss with her husband or accepting her hand being held. She viewed all his actions through a lens of distrust. She even got offended when he put to have sex with his wife on a calendar. Miles was playing around when he did it and he didn’t try to pressure her into having sex. He would have erased it seconds after writing it if she had just said something. Only Karen didn’t say anything at first. She left the apartment and she didn’t come back for her day because she said she was that upset and that she didn’t feel safe at the apartment.
Karen eventually came around. She talked to Miles about her feelings and he tossed the calendar away. He also waited patiently until she was ready to have sex. It turns out the wait was worth it because they were both happy and in love. The two of them are still together. Miles was glad that he got to know Karen and that her walls did come down. The two of them had moved into a new place together. They live together and they were experiencing marriage. Karen and Miles didn’t regret choosing each other on Decision Day and they still hung out with Amani and Woody. They were a couple of friends now.
No one was friends with Brett. They all thought he was a**hole too and the footage from the bachelor party was revealed. It showed that Brett was hitting on one of Henry’s female friends. Henry also said he wasn’t a good guy when he saw what was happening and he continues to believe that. Henry’s friend was super uncomfortable being around Brett. She knew Brett was getting married and so him flirting with her right before his wedding was a bad sign for everyone. Christina also had a negative impression of Brett. She had heard a few things from friends and she quickly warned Olivia about it.
Olivia didn’t mind that Christina was talking to her about Brett. She liked being forewarned because it came in handy later on and so Christina wasn’t in trouble over that. Only she was in trouble for the gay rumor. Christina was accused of blackmailing Henry over a gay rumor and she apparently weaponized it because she wanted to be on the show longer. Henry made these fresh accusations tonight. He alluded to her trying to blackmail him before, but he never went into detail and so the details coming out tonight seemed suspicious. Like why he didn’t just say this before. Why didn’t he say she wanted to stay on the show and she was holding the fact he might be gay over him as leverage.
Christina admitted she may have gossiped about Henry being gay. She apologizes for it and Henry refused to accept it. The two of them were happy now to be getting a divorce. They would never have worked out as a couple. Christina and Henry were both capable of putting their problems to the side and so that gave the others a chance to talk. They all discussed what it’s like dealing with social media. They did a question game on what is they allow in their marriages and even those facing a divorce played along. Everyone just took part in having a laugh and that was the way to end things.
They ended this season with a smile.