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Married at First Sight Spoilers: Derek Sherman Comes Clean, Reveals He Felt In Competition With Katie’s Ex

Married at First Sight (MAFS) Spoilers suggest that Derek Sherman may have struggled more then he let on during his time with Katie Conrad. Viewers watched as Katie and Derek’s relationship suffered due to Katie’s treatment of Derek; however, it seemed that Derek felt comfortable in his relationship with Katie, especially since he decided to stay married to Katie. However, during a recent interview that Derek did, he lets the truth be known about how he felt during his time with Katie during the Social Experiment.

Married at First Sight Spoilers- Derek Sherman Says Katie Conrad’s Ex was Competition

Viewers know the back story involving Katie and her ex, who tried to stop her before she walked down the aisle with Derek, and how it might have influenced their relationship from the start. However, it seemed that maybe the couple had gotten through the idea of Katie getting back with her ex. On the other hand, in an interview with In Touch, he let his true feeling show during that time, expressing that he felt like he was in competition with Katie’s ex throughout the whole process.

However, just as viewers suspected, he did not want to give up on his relationship with Katie. He confirmed what some viewers suspected, which was that Katie’s feeling for her ex played a part in their marriage. As some viewers assumed that Katie only treated Derek the way she did because she still had feelings for her ex and may have regretted getting married to Derek.

Derek admitted that he was being compared to Katie’s ex constantly, which could not have been good for his self-esteem and may make viewers wonder why that was not included in the filming? Especially since viewers already knew about Katie’s ex.

Derek commented, “Going into this, I promised myself I would blindly follow this process and drink the ‘Kool-Aid’ to see it through to the end. I wanted to believe in the process, so I threw out any expectations I had and ignored anything my gut told me. Because at the end of the day, maybe the reason I haven’t found love yet is because I was looking for the wrong things.”

Married at First Sight Spoilers- Derek Sherman Has Learned From His Relationship with Katie Conrad

After decision day on the 15th, the two decided to stay married, and it seems that him hanging on to the relationship might have paid off as he says “I believe we were matched for several reasons, like our drive to further our careers, our adventurous spirits, and our love for our families. I also believe we were paired because of our similar childhood experiences that made us both emotionally mature quicker than others, and for what I believe to be a balance between our experiences in love.”

However, there are things that he learned by being in a relationship with Katie, including expressing himself to the fullest as well as letting his partner know how he cares about her. He has also tried to stay positive even if he does not feel that way. However, there may be more drama to come on Wednesday as the tell-all airs. As in the preview shows that Katie may have cheated on Derek during their time together. We will also learn if the two stayed together or not. Keep watching Married at First Sight on Lifetime Wednesdays to find out what happens next.

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