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Lifetime Married at First Sight (MAFS) star, Derek Sherman, has recently come out to say that he feels that Katie Conrad’s intentions were always to dump him after Decision Day. On Decision Day, they both decided to stay together, but it was revealed in the Reunion episode that they got a divorce and went their separate ways.
Doug Hehner noted that on a recent episode of Hot Marriage Cool Parents with Jamie Otis, which included Dereck as their guest, “It almost seemed like Katie had no intention of following through on staying together [since she cheated] soon after you guys decided to stay together.”
Married At First Sight Spoilers – Derek Sherman Reveals Betrayal
In Response, Derek mentioned, “Yeah, very much so, That’s why to me, I can honestly say that I was never in love with Katie. My feelings were never allowed to grow to that, but I still felt hurt and betrayed when I found out about it the first time.” As viewers of MAFS know, Derek revealed that Katie had cheated on him about two weeks after Decision Day was filmed, which he found out about during their trip to Nashville, TN, which was meant to celebrate their anniversary.
Derek continued on by saying, “It was like, ‘I’m here actually trying to make this happen, but you just dismissed it. Like, what was the point of all of this in the first place?’ And that’s why I was mainly hurt, was the betrayal.” There was more drama than was unleashed when Derek revealed that Katie may have been sleeping with her ex ever since they returned from their honeymoon to Panama. This was hinted to him by three cast members who wished to remain anonymous, and he also verified the information with others as well. Katie admitted to sleeping with her ex after Decision Day but not before that.
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Married At First Sight Spoilers – Doug Comments on Katie’s Treatment Of Derek
When Doug then asked, “Why did you guys stay together on Decision Day? Was that a conversation you had going into ‘Decision Day,’ that you wanted to stick it out?” Derek Responded, “Yeah, the biggest thing for us is that we wanted to try it without the cameras to see if it was just the cameras that added more pressure and more stress to things.
And, you know, granted it also didn’t help that both of our leases expired, and all of our roommates had found different situations. They all had to move too, so it was like, ‘Okay, let’s try this out without the cameras while also living with each other and solve both of these problems.’ Those were the two biggest things. The last thing I wanted to do was go through this process and give up halfway without knowing for sure at the end. That’s the one thing I told myself I didn’t want to do,”
It seems that Doug took notice of Katie’s treatment of Derek and how horrible she was toward Derek. He mentioned that Katie seemed to always judge Derek. On the other hand, Derek never judged Katie for having feelings for her ex, who had tried to stop Katie from marrying Derek.
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Doug went on to say, “The whole thing with the ex-boyfriend — not knowing if she was in love and the breakup [without closure] — you never held that over her head throughout the experiment. It was like you were willing to look past some of her stuff, but she wasn’t willing to look past the things that came up about you.” In which Derek Responded, “Yeah, it’s funny you say that because I actually never really noticed that. You’re right. I never held those things against her.”