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Tonight on Lifetime their American hit series Married At First Sight airs with an all-new Wednesday, October 28, 2020, season 11 episode 16 called, “We Need To Get A Divorce” and we have your Married At First Sight recap below.
On tonight’s Married At First Sight season 11 episode 16 as per the Lifetime synopsis, “After an unprecedented four months together enduring a pandemic and other world events our “stranger spouses” have finally reached decision day. The couples must decide once and for all whether they want to stay married or get a divorcee.”
So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 10 PM ET for our Married At First Sight recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Married At First Sight recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!
Tonight’s Married, At First Sight, begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!
The time has come. The experts paired together ten singles at the start of this experiment and tonight the time has come for them to decide their own fates. They get to decide if they want a divorce or if they want to stay married. It’s Decision Day! Decision Day was pushed back some because of the current pandemic and, while Covid-19 hasn’t fully gone away, the couples have long waited enough. They know now what’s their next step. The first couple to experience Decision Day is Bennett and Amelia. The two of them have been the strongest couple so far this season just by the way they love and respect each other. And the last anyone saw them they had agreed to make the move to Virginia for Amelia’s career.
Amelia is a resident. She was matched to a hospital in Virginia and so she couldn’t pass on such a great opportunity. She had to go. She was worried at first that this might be the end of her marriage to Bennett and so that’s when Bennett surprised her by offering the compromise. He agreed to split his time between New Orleans and Virginia. He said he loved Amelia. He wanted to make their relationship work and that from the outside made them appear as if they were going to last. This couple like every other couple had to take a break right before Decision Day. Decision Day is a big moment and the relationship experts wanted everyone to consider this moment quite seriously.
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So, there was a minor separation in which they went back to normal lives. Or as normal as they can get during these times. The couple had to go their own way as thought about their marriage what is they wanted from said marriage. Bennett used the time away from his wife to get a tattoo. He tattooed Amelia’s initials inside of a heart on his butt. He said his tattoo was his answer and it was clear. He wanted to stay married. Bennett loves Amelia and Amelia loves Bennett. She loved the tattoo. She was glad to say yes she wanted to stay married and the experts said that was a good thing because there was no going back after that tattoo.
Bennett and Amelia are staying together. They were the first couple to experience Decision Day and ultimately their decision was to keep their marriage. Not everyone else agreed to stay or were as lucky. Olivia and Brett knew that neither of them wanted to continue to be married. They broke up during the experiment and they both moved back into their homes. Olivia had to move back into her home because when Brett left their marital home he took all the food. He took all the food during a pandemic and so there really is no forgiving that. That was a big lockdown no no. Brett and Olivia tried to make their marriage work.
They seemed to get along some days and on others, they were throwing around accusations. Olivia accused him of being disingenuous. She would ask him if he was putting a part for the cameras and he has his accusations as well. He said Olivia wanted to be married. It didn’t matter to whom and so he felt rejected. He also felt rejected when Olivia began to withdraw from him during the lockdown. She didn’t want to touch him and she would even turn her face away whenever he tried to kiss her. Brett left the apartment because he didn’t feel wanted or loved. He was faced with constant rejection. He was told he was doing this or that and so he left because he got tired of it.
Oliva and Brett were reunited tonight after weeks of no contact. They haven’t spoken since they broke up although Brett did try to send some random text messages one time about them possibly hanging out and she rejected it because she thought it was disingenuous. Olivia needed something very specific from her husband. Only she never communicated with him what she needed. She didn’t talk to him about what she wanted to hear or what he could do around the house and so now it’s too little too late. Olivia said she would have moments of attraction and then she would catch him checking himself out or being sarcastic and the attraction would leave.
Olivia never told Brett any of this. She expected him to almost read her mind in a sense and so the experts were very sad about their situation. They said this couple was like two ships in the night. They kept passing each other by and they could have made it work if both of them had merely put in the effort. Olivia and Brett were getting a divorce. They were getting a divorce because they didn’t know how to talk to each other and so hopefully they’ll fix that with their next relationship. Also, Brett did have a point about Olivia. Olivia was more upset she was dealing with a broken marriage and a divorce than she was about it not working out with Brett.
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Miles and Karen were a toss-up. They experienced Decision Day as the third couple and it was unclear in which direction they were going in. Miles and Karen have had their ups and downs. They started off strong. They started off as friends who were building up to something and that something always seemed to be further and further away. Karen didn’t want to be intimate with Miles her husband. She said initially that she wanted to get to know him and that she wanted to build a deeper bond before she brings sex into it. Then she turned around and rejected him whenever he tried other forms of intimacy.
Miles would often try to hold her hand or kiss her or even just have his handheld. He wanted to explore intimacy and Karen always had an excuse not to. Karen was married to Miles for months. She still needed to be reminded to kiss him. He would have to come up with games to make it happen and he would also have to be careful about it else he risked offending Karen. Karen was sensitive to a lot. She didn’t want to feel pressured in any way to have intimacy with Miles and at the same time, there was nothing he could do to convince her to be comfortable around him. Miles came to the couch tonight wondering if he truly says yes to a woman he has never been intimate with.
Miles asked this question to the experts. He told them he’s unsure if she will ever meet his needs emotionally or physically and so that’s when Karen spoke up. Karen again said she needed an emotional attachment to being physical with someone. She also said that she wasn’t where she wanted to be in a marriage either and so she was also unhappy. Both of them were unhappy with certain aspects of their marriage. Miles said he saw a difference in the last three to four weeks and that he feels he can say yes because of what he saw. He now feels Karen can come around and surprisingly she felt the same. They both decided to stay in their marriage.
According to them, their real marriage began a few weeks ago. They’ve liked what they’ve seen in those few weeks and they want more. Karen and Miles are staying married. Their marriage was a tossup and it worked out for them. It wasn’t going to work out for Christina and Henry. The two of them rarely had good moments together. They would take one step forward and two steps back. Christina was impatient and Henry believed her to be a habitual liar. Henry himself is insecure. He hasn’t expressed any interest in Christina since they got married nor has tried for any intimacy and so Christina eventually accused him of being gay.
Christina came up with this story. She claimed she was told by a reliable source that Henry is gay and he’s sleeping with men during their marriage. Christina brought this story to Henry. She was probably hoping it will convince him to be honest with her and instead he called her out on her own dishonesty. Henry has noticed that trend in her. He remembered in their first conversation that he asked her where she lived in and she said Downtown. She later claimed that she didn’t live in the Downtown area after all. She also said that he must have gotten confused because she would never say that and there’s a genuine tape of it.
Christina and Henry also doesn’t recall that text message conversation happening the same way. Christina remembers bringing it up to Henry and she was asking him what he thought about it. Only Henry remembers Christina trying to blackmail him over this text message accusing him of being gay. He said Christina tried to hold over his head and so he was still pretty pissed about it. He was so angry that Christina didn’t even know he was angry. She thought everything was fine. She thought they were doing good and it turns out their marriage has been a sham one way or another. They both agreed to the divorce and they’ll be happier away from each other.
The last couple on the couch was Amani and Woody. The two of them seemed strong as a couple because they got along and there didn’t seem to be a problem with communication or intimacy and yet Amani said she wanted a divorce. Amani loves that Woody is the life of the party and that he never stops dancing. She also said she loves Woody. Amani and Woody entered the experiment with a willingness to work on their relationship and to be open with each other. They’ve had the occasional disagreement. None of it was ever too big or consuming and so her decision to end her marriage was a surprising one.
Woody didn’t see it coming. He loves Amani and he thought all their conversations about having children and getting dogs were serious conversations between a man and his wife. He thought they were working towards something here. He never believed Amani would reject him and so he wanted to hear why and it turns the whole thing was a test. Amani was testing him to see his reaction. She didn’t actually mean it when she said she wanted a divorce. She does want to stay married to him and thankfully Woody understood her weird sense of humor. The two of them left Decision Day happy and they were still together weeks after that moment.
Three couples survived Decision Day. They also all developed friendships and so they met up afterward to talk. They each revealed what their decision was on Decision Day. Brett was a bit testy when he said why his marriage didn’t work and both Christina and Henry were playing nice with each other as they said their marriage didn’t work. Only its been a weird experience for everyone and they all look forward to having a normal life now. The couples also decorated Bennett and Amelia’s car as their goodbye car since the couple was moving to Virginia.