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“Now that all five couples have been Married At First Sight, it’s time for them to spend their first night together as husband and wife. Before sending off the honeymoons, the couples have to meet individually with their new in-laws. Can they survive a brunch interrogation?”
So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 10 PM ET for our Married At First Sight recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Married At First Sight recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!
Tonight’s Married, At First Sight, begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!
A group of people decided to take a risk at finding love. They agree to the very radical decision to marry a perfect stranger and so far it’s working for them. Everyone was happy to get married. They even seemed to like their partners in this great experiment. It was when they spent their first night together that emotions began coming out. Amelia was someone who sexually attracted to her partner and she appeared to be open to having sex. She was merely waiting for a signal from her new husband Bennett. Bennett on the other hand was full of nerves. He wasn’t sure any overture from him would be welcomed and so he hesitated in expressing his interest.
Amelia and Bennett weren’t the only couple stumbling on their first night together. Christina and Henry had no idea what to do when they got back to their hotel room. She didn’t say anything. He didn’t say anything. They later had a brief conversation about how they weren’t sure of what to say. They’ve already discussed attraction at their wedding reception. Christina asked him if he was attracted to her and he claimed he was. He just has yet to prove he is. He seems to be ignoring his wife and she was left on uncertain ground with him. Olivia and Brett fared much better off. They were actually speaking to each other and they went to bed in a good mood.
The couple that seems to be doing the best is Amani and Woody. They were instantly attracted to each other and they’ve been open and honest since the wedding. They’ve also been flirting since the wedding. Amani and Woody stopped by Miles and Karen’s room because the guys were good friends. The guys introduced their wives to each other, and they were the couple friends now. They were both so happy in their respective relationships that they figured they should hang out together as a foursome. Which was great because now they can turn to someone during the experiment if they have any questions.
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None of the couples had sex on their first night together. There was some kissing and cuddling for Woody and Amani and so they were in the lead when it came to intimacy. Not that this was a competition or anything. They were just doing a little better in bonding and another couple that was bonding were Olivia and Brett. They spent their wedding night talking. They set up who slept on what side of the bed and they seemed to have hit it off as friends if nothing else. They, like most of the couples there, were taking their time in establishing intimacy. They didn’t pressure each other and no one has done that so far.
Everyone was still on their best behaviors. There hasn’t been any mood swings or upsets or outright fights and so they were doing well. They all passed the first part of the experiment. The next part was a little harder. The spouses were all asked to sit down with their new in-laws individually and sure there was some grilling involved. Karen’s mother and sister wanted all the reassurances in the world that their loved one wouldn’t be hurt. Her family didn’t want her to be strung along. They didn’t want her to be disrespected nor did they want Miles taking too long in wanting a family because they knew Karen wanted a family now rather than later.
Karen was grilled as well. Miles’s father wanted to know how things went back at the hotel room when the couple were alone for the first time and Karen told him how comfortable it was. Karen had to some reassurance too. She told her in-laws that she believed in men being the head of the household and that women were the neck. Her in-laws agreed with her about that. They were of the same opinion. Especially her mother-in-law who prides herself as being the neck as well. Karen agreed with her in-laws fundamentally and they hit it off. It wasn’t as intense as it was with Miles and Karen’s family.
Another non-threatening situation was Bennett with his in-laws. He was very comfortable around. Almost too much so because he was seated laidback with his feet up and for the first one on one he should have been seated with his back straight. Luckily, Amelia’s family wasn’t the sort to complain about posture. They were lenient on him. Amelia’s mother said she never could think of wrongly she just met and she applied that to Bennett. He wasn’t grilled. He wasn’t asked about his priorities and so the most he was asked was about his future. Amelia’s mother knew that her daughter sometimes would randomly move to a new city. She, therefore, wanted to know if Bennett would move with Amelia. And he thinks he would.
Amelia’s own meeting was more of a grilling. Her in-laws asked her if she wanted children because they knew Bennett didn’t believe in having biological children as a matter of ethics. Amelia was sort of caught off guard by that. She hadn’t known that Bennett believed in it and they didn’t discuss babies yet. Amelia felt like she should have that conversation first with her husband before she goes talking to her in-laws. She probably also didn’t like being taken for surprise and yet everyone was asking about children. Olivia was asked about children. She was told them she was indifferent to the idea because first, she wanted to be selfish for a while.
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Olivia wanted to concentrate on herself. On what she would like to accomplish and so she’s pushing off children until she’s fully ready. She hasn’t spoken about this to her husband. Her husband’s brothers were the first to know about her plans and they told her that she could always watch one of their kids if she wanted to convince Brett not to have children of his own. Brett meanwhile was being grilled. He was asked about his relationship and how he views Olivia. His in-laws came to like him because they thought he was a man’s man. His father-in-law approved of him and so Brett fared well with his in-laws.
Brett wasn’t told shocking news like Amelia and Amani were. Amani soon found out from her in-laws that her new husband has a temper. His temper is sometimes out of control and it gets so bad that there’s no calming him when he’s like that. They just let his temper play out. They advised Amani to do the same and wasn’t having it. Amani wasn’t going to let her husband talk to her any sort of way because he was in a temper. She deserves and she knows she deserves respect. She wasn’t going to tolerate her husband talking to her any way he feels like it. Amani wasn’t going to accept that sort of behavior and so she expected Woody to fix it.
Only Woody didn’t know what his family was telling his wife. He was off meeting his own in-laws and that meeting hadn’t gone well either. Woody confessed to cheating in a prior relationship. He really shouldn’t have. It then worried his in-laws who asked him if he would ever cheat again and he swears he wouldn’t. He said he wants to be married. He wants to be committed. Woody claimed he was ready to settle down and so now he just has to prove it. He’ll also have to be patient as his own wife asks him about his past infidelity. Her family was bound to bring it up to her and she was going to have questions. Whether he was ready for them or not.
Christina had fun meeting her in-laws. They were a riot and they had more personality than Henry himself. Henry has no opened up to Christina or told her about himself. He didn’t even mention liking the Patriots and he’s a huge fan. It was his father who brought it up to Christina. He also made her laugh several times by the way he claimed his son was a momma’s boy and that Henry was so hairy that he looked like a bear. Christina had a great time with her in-laws. She connected with them and Henry didn’t really do that with his own in-laws. He was still set on being slow-paced with everything and so he lost a great opportunity to find out more about Christina.
Later, the couples were reunited. They each had questions about the other and Amelia naturally asked about children. She wanted to find out why Bennett was morally opposed to having his own children. He told her that the world was overpopulated as it is and that ethically it was wrong to bring even more children into the world. Bennett also said that he came to terms with the fact he might marry someone who wanted kids. He said he would do what it took to make them happy and so he is open to having children. He said he would be happy if his partner is happy. Which was great for Amelia because she knew she wanted kids.
Amani and Woody also discussed their meeting with the in-laws. Amani had mentioned his notorious temper and Woody told her that it got better over time. He didn’t think he’d explode like that with her like he’s done in the past. She also didn’t think that she would give him a reason to become so upset with her and so they both decided his temper wouldn’t be a problem. Only time will tell. The couples soon learned about their honeymoon vacations and they got really excited. Their honeymoons offered them the rare chance of traveling. This was the first time that many of them were leaving the country and that was exciting.
The couples also got to meet up at the airport. They were in a great mood already because they knew they were traveling and so meeting each other there was the perfect time for it. The couples all got to introduce themselves. They made videos together and they waved each on as they all boarded their flights. The relationship experts said their honeymoons will be the right moment for the call to start building bridges with their spouses. It was fine and all if they wanted to do some touristy stuff. It’s just they also have to work on their relationships. They should try building on their intimacy.
Intimacy doesn’t always mean sex. Its also about an emotional connection and Woody and Amani were doing well in this department. They really like each other. Woody has also been at his best and so Amani told him he was knocking off notches on her chastity belt. He’s knocked out two notches already. His first notch was when she found out he’s been keeping a journal since their marriage and he’s writing in it every day. His second notch was when he just the right thing when she needed it the most. These notches were how they were keeping track of their intimacy as well as its progress.
And so again Amani and Woody were leading the way.