Married At First Sight Spoilers & Recap 09/16/20: Season 11 Episode 10 “Dealbreakers”

Married At First Sight Spoilers & Recap 09/16/20: Season 11 Episode 10 "Dealbreakers"Tonight on Lifetime their hit series Married At First Sight airs with an all-new Wednesday, September 16, 2020, season 11 episode 10 called, “Dealbreakers” and we have your Married At First Sight recap below. On tonight’s Married At First Sight season 11 episode 10 as per the Lifetime synopsis, “The couples question, and in some cases, test their relationships. Tempers flare when a husband confides in someone else’s wife, and a “runaway bride” comes home to face the consequences.”

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So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 10 PM ET for our Married At First Sight recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Married At First Sight recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

Tonight’s Married, At First Sight, begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Our five couples have been married for three weeks now. They’ve since learned that the marriage isn’t just about the honeymoon and the gifts. It’s about connecting. The couples have lived together for three whole weeks and they were still figuring each other out. They were just realizing how differently they went about chores. Christina and her husband Henry folded towels differently. Amelia was willing to fold Bennett’s underwear, but he didn’t necessarily want to do the same for her. It was silly really and yet it was marriage. The couples or at least some of them were still navigating marriage. And one couple seems like they’ve given up.

Karen didn’t come home one night. She was upset with her husband and rather than talk it out or try to communicate why she was upset she chose to leave. Karen left the apartment she shares with Miles. She didn’t tell him she wasn’t coming back that night and so he was worried. He didn’t know what was going on. Miles just knew that one day his wife was there and the next she saw gone. Miles didn’t even make a connection between their conversation and Karen leaving. Karen left because Miles put “sex with his wife” on a calendar. He didn’t mean anything by it. He thought he was just being honest and the truth is it made Karen feel like she was being pressured.

The couple only recently shared their first kiss. Karen was in no rush for sex and she didn’t want to be put on someone else’s timetable. She left the apartment because she was so upset with Miles that she didn’t want to be around him. She wanted to be where she could breathe and that wasn’t near her husband. He crossed a line for her when he wrote that quote out. Karen was avoiding him now and Miles didn’t know what to do with himself in the interim. He couldn’t have a relationship with a woman who refuses to speak with him. The couple was experiencing a great low in their relationship.

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The other couples were doing just a tad better. Woody and Amani had a discussion about possible children and he ticked off his wife when he mentioned corporal punishment. Woody thought it was okay to spank children. Its what he had growing up and so he had no problem with doing it to their hypothetical children if they ever crossed a line with him. Woody’s wife Amani was against spanking. She said there were plenty of other avenues they could take without laying their hands on a child and she reminded Woody that he manages to teach a class without hitting a child. If he could get his class to settle, then raising a child of his own shouldn’t be that hard.

Amani brought up a great point. Woody has been dealing with kids his entire career and he should know how harmful it is to beat a child. It doesn’t matter if they call it spanking or straightening them out. It’s still a beating. Amani said she would never allow him to put hands on their future children. She said she’d do to him what he did to them and she clearly means it. Amani didn’t want to just do something because that’s how their parents did it. Each generation is supposed to be smarter than the last and so Amani wasn’t going to let Wood keep up the “tradition”. She was going to push him into being better than his own parents.

Besides an argument about parenting, the couples also met up for lunch. One of the couples that didn’t come out to lunch was Karen and Miles. The two of them had talked. Karen returned to the apartment and she told Miles how she felt unsafe after he had written they should have sex. Karen did her best to explain to Miles why she felt unsafe. She told him that she didn’t want him to think that just because they were married that he had a right to her body. She was the only one who had that right and she gets to pick what she consents to. She doesn’t want to consent to sex. She doesn’t want jokes about them having sex and so she was going to need Miles to slow down.

Karen also promised to be more affectionate with Miles. She knows that he needs affection from her and she agreed to try. Physical intimacy was a big step for them. Karen and Miles later played a ball game with another couple. They went out with Bennett and Amelia. The other couple has been intimate with each other and they were so comfortable with each other that they came up with a new way to claim points. The person who scores points gets a kiss from their partner. The kisses and where they landed on the body were all based on how many points they score. Bennet and Amelia had no problem with this game because they were already having sex.

Karen and Miles were at a different point in their relationship. They were still tentatively at the kissing stage and so Karen really let down her guard here because she agreed to the point system. Karen ended up kissing Miles plenty of times because he was great at the game. She wanted to show him that she was opening herself up and Miles saw that with all the kisses he received. He got more kisses out of this game than he had in his whole marriage. So, skipping out on lunch had worked out great for him. He and the others all enjoyed themselves with the game and the lunch they missed had gotten to the heart of problems with the others.

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Henry and Christina were still not doing too well. She thought they were doing well because they haven’t been fighting and they seem to get along. Henry even complimented her. He told her that she was sexy and so Christina thought their relationship had improved. She didn’t know that Henry was telling other people differently. He was telling them that Christina let up on pressuring him and that her impatience was a dealbreaker for him. It turns out Henry doesn’t like a woman who isn’t patient. He apparently wasn’t attracted to it and Henry also said that things were just calming down with Christina. He made it out like they were just starting to be nice to each other.

When the truth is they were being flirtatious with each other. Henry was giving Christina signals and at the same time, he was denying these signals to everyone else. He also waited to tell her she was sexy until she got to the table. It was the first time he had ever told Christina that and so now she couldn’t help but think it was disingenuous. Christina second-guesses the sexy comment. She was now doing that with everything else and so she confronted him back at the apartment. Christina wanted to know if there was a future for them. Christina asked Henry because she was an impatient person and that was a turn-off for her husband.

Henry was asked if he could ever move on with Christina. They had issues in the past and she needed to know if Henry could look past it else they were just wasting each other’s time. Henry said that he was trying. He said he’d do better to communicate with her, and that’s all Christina wanted. That was her deal-breaker. She didn’t want to be toyed with. Christina also said that wanting to know where they stand wasn’t impatience. It was respected and so Henry was going to be better. He and Christina were talking things through now and that was a hopeful sign for them. Being around other couples in the experiment helps.

Woody and Miles were friends. They late met up at the barbershop to get their hair done and they talked. Miles mentioned how difficult it’s been with his new wife. Miles liked that Karen was being more affectionate and they haven’t had a fight in a while, but he was still upset she didn’t come home one night with no explanation and it got him thinking. Miles knows that if he tells Karen he likes her that she would reply with thanks. She wouldn’t tell him she liked him too. Karen would more keep that to herself and so it hard for Miles. He and Woody began this experiment at the same time. Only Woody was much further ahead with Amani than he was with Karen.

Woody told Amani he loves her. She didn’t say it back to him and that was okay for Woody. His feelings for Amani weren’t dependent on her feelings for him. Woody was content for now that Amani likes him. The two of them get on. They talk all the time and so Miles tries to get the same for himself. He even agreed to do an activity that Karen had planned. Karen brought Miles to the meditation center and they did some breathing exercises. There also some touching with these exercises. Both Miles and Karen enjoyed their time there. They shared a laugh about Karen touching Miles’s ashy legs.

It was a great bonding experience. What was not a great bonding experience was Trivia Night. Olivia and Brett went out with Olivia’s friends and it was a bust. Her friends kept trying to engage him. They asked him about his opinion on this or that and Brett just froze them out. He did not talk to them. He basically just sat there and drank his beer. It was so frustrating for Olivia. She wanted them to go out with her friends because her friends are important to her and then he goes and ignores her friends. Olivia was upset with her husband for doing that. She vented to one of her friends that night and she said she doesn’t understand Brett.

They came out for a night of fun together. Why didn’t he want to participate? Olivia never got to the bottom of why Brett was acting this way and so they didn’t talk about it. They simply moved on. Christina and Henry were doing their best to put the past behind them as well and they started by asking each other questions. They wanted to be open with each other and that was a great first step.

Bennett and Amelia seemed to be the strongest couple so far with the way they take care of each other and for now, they were the standard.


Dr. Pepper SchwartzDr. Vivian ColesLifetime Married at First SightLifetime Married at First Sight spoilersMAFS RecapMAFS. MAFS Where Are They NowMarried at First SightMarried at First Sight NewsMarried At First Sight RecapMarried At First Sight Recap 9/16/20Married At First Sight Season 11 PremiereMarried At First Sight Season 11 Spoilers
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