Married At First Sight Spoilers & Recap 09/30/20: Season 11 Episode 12 “One Month Down and a Quarantine to Go”

Married At First Sight Spoilers & Recap 09/30/20: Season 11 Episode 12 "One Month Down and a Quarantine to Go"Tonight on Lifetime their hit series Married At First Sight airs with an all-new Wednesday, September 30, 2020, season 11 episode 12 called, “One Month Down and a Quarantine to Go” and we have your Married At First Sight recap below.

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On tonight’s Married At First Sight season 11 episode 11 as per the Lifetime synopsis, “The couples celebrate their one-month anniversary. Some are progressing by leaps and bounds, while others wonder if they’ll be toasting — or divorcing — one month from now.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 10 PM ET for our Married At First Sight recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Married At First Sight recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

Tonight’s Married, At First Sight, begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Its Day 29 of the experiment. Or marriage. The relationship experts says now is the time for the couples to take stock. They’ve been married for almost a month and they should knows what’s good and what needs to change. For Woody and Amani, they realized they needed to work on their savings. They both like the expensive things in life and while they sounded great for them as a couple. It also brought up concerns about their future. One of them had to think of the bigger picture and Amani chose to become that person. She was concerned because she knows Woody spends more than her. She tried talking to him about it and he dismissed it.

Woody likes to say you can’t take money with you when you die. He believes life should be built on everyday pleasures and that just wasn’t reasonable. What will happen five years from now? What will happen when they start thinking about having a family? Amani was like Woody in many ways and yet she knew something had to change. She just didn’t know how to bring about that change. Amani couldn’t really tell Woody to ease up on things when she’s exactly the same way albeit less extreme and so she didn’t know how to get through to her husband. Amani wasn’t like Olivia. Olivia told Brett straight up what she was feeling and it wasn’t great for him to hear.

Olivia told her husband that she wanted to feel wanted. She wanted to believe that Brett was in the experiment because he wanted to be with her and not because he wanted to be on television. Brett had tried to telling her that he was being cautious. He wanted to protect the both of them from getting hurt or looking negatively in front of the cameras. He said that wasn’t because he cared about his image. He said it was more about protection and Olivia didn’t believe him. She came to doubt his motives. She and Brett had to speak about it with a relationship expert and that helped Brett to get things off of his chest as well.

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Brett had thought Olivia grilling him like that was mean. Olivia tried to tell him she never set out to be mean and so Brett replied that he never set out to be disingenuous. They both couldn’t help how the other person viewed them. Olivia was upset with Brett and he was upset with her as well. They were just at two different places in the relationship and nothing the relationship expert said how helped them any. They were still upset after the phone call. Olivia said she couldn’t trust Brett and he hated how needy she was coming across. And so right then, at that moment, their marriage was in trouble.

Another marriage that had its ups and downs was Henry and Christina’s marriage. The two of them were never on the same page for long. Henry recently learned that was Christina found most attractive in a man was confidence and that’s something Henry lacked. He lacks it so much. He was still self-conscious about being fat as a kid that he doesn’t really see himself as thin or attractive and so nothing Christina said or was going to do was to going to be of any help to him. She couldn’t make Henry feel what she wanted him to feel. Henry also didn’t know how to open up the way Christina wanted to open up.

It took relationship homework for Henry to talk about his issues. He was also more open with his friends than he was with his wife. His wife has met some of his friends. She expressed some frustration in front of them because her marriage was a mess and she didn’t even feel like she could talk to her husband, but Henry’s friends were using that one encounter to tell Henry that he and Christina don’t suit each other. There were just two very different people. They wanted different things and so Henry’s friends were doing their best to spare him. They asked him why should he waste time on a relationship everyone knows can’t work?

Henry’s friends weren’t the only ones asking questions or delivering opinions . Although, Christina was a little more optimistic. Christina’s friends wanted the marriage to work out and so they were wondering why she hasn’t slept with her new husband yet. They asked about Henry. They asked if it was Henry that was stalling and it was. Christina was not a problem. She would have welcomed Henry into her bed if he had shown the slightest interest in her. He doesn’t want to hold her hand or look into her eyes. Henry doesn’t even tell her if she looks nice. He has no care for her whatsoever. He just does not seem interested and Christina was growing tired of it. Her friends suggested that maybe she should try initiate things. And how can she with someone like Henry?

Bennet and Amelia were doing well in the experiment. They seemed to enjoy each other’s company and Bennett also sought out celestial guidance. He went to his friend Molly. Molly is quite a character because she walks around with a stuffed duck toy named Yoop and Yoop was considered Cranky. It was Molly, Bennett, and Yoop at the lunch table. They all ordered something to eat and Yoop sent back his fries in order to get some bird seeds. So, Yoop and the owner of Yoop were quite opinionated. Molly also brought tarot cards with her. She did a reading for Bennett and it said that he and Amelia were going to love each other across time and space.

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It also said that things might be a little too good right now. Molly’s prophecy played into Bennett’s worst fears because he also thought things were going too well and he had been concerned. He really likes Amelia. He doesn’t want to lose her and at the same time there were all these obstacles. Amelia’s residency might mean they’ll have to move. Bennett would therefore be giving up his life in the city and the close proximity to friends and family if he chose to move with Amelia. Amelia was fine with moving. It was Bennett she was concerned about and so the couple was still thinking about what was best for the other even as they realized things were about to get hard for them.

Then there was Miles and Karen. They’ve had some rough patches and they were doing better. They were talking to each other and opening up about their feelings. They were also considering fostering a dog. Fostering a dog is like fostering a child. It wasn’t anything permanent unless they found it to be a good fit and they pursued it. The couple even spoke about it with their couple friends Woody and Amani. Woody and Amani have talked about having a dog. At first, they thought about waiting until they had a child to get a dog because Woody wanted the dog and the baby to grow up together.

Later, the couple spoke about adopting a dog when they get a house. Then they heard what Miles and Karen were doing and so now Amani wants to foster a dog. She really wanted one. She didn’t want to wait for it and so she was going to keep pushing to get Woody to agree to get a dog. Their financial concerns even took a seat back because of the dog issue. The dog was more important than saving up to buy a house and that’s really on Miles and Karen. They were the one to open that door. Miles and Karen are getting a dog and that was a big commitment on their part. They were opening their home to a living being.

They hoped having a pet would bring them closer. Unfortunately, that same plan did not work for Olivia and Brett who were still working through their trust issues. Olivia and Brett were parents to several cats. They were arguing over whether Brett was genuine with his wife or if he was putting on an artificial show for the cameras. It didn’t help that Brett felt he could be honest with the relationship expert and not with his wife. Brett also delivered compliments in front of other people. It didn’t happen when it was just him and Olivia and so that’s why she so suspicious. She told Brett she was going to work on her behavior and he promised that he would be honest with her. And so they did a nice couple thing together.

The couple watched their wedding day on DVD. Watching the emotions and surprises from that day had helped to bring them closer together. They’ve now decided to work on their issues rather than let them divide them. They also weren’t alone in looking at old photos and videos of that day. The couples were celebrating one month together and it was good for some of them. Brett and Olivia finally let go of their childish fight. Bennett and Amelia admitted they were falling in love with each other. Woody and Amani celebrated their anniversary with dinner and wine. But Christina and Henry were still butting heads.

They looked at wedding photos. Christina joked about how they were happier before they got to know each other and so Henry didn’t take it the right way. He felt rejected. He tends to feel like Christina pushes him away with her little jokes and it wasn’t until he subtly said something that Christina realized how unfair she was being to him. She realized that she was comparing Henry to every other ex-boyfriend and she found him wanting. She didn’t think he measured up to her exes. She failed to understand that her exes were her exes because she didn’t choose a man she could marry or love. And so maybe it was time to finally give Henry a fair chance.

There were also gifts to mark their 1 month anniversary. Bennett got Amelia a musical instrument she wouldn’t typically see and Woody got Amani some diamond earrings as well as coupons she can cash in for sex and/or foot massages.

And next week the couples face the biggest challenges, they face Covid-19.


Dr. Pepper SchwartzDr. Vivian ColesLifetime Married at First SightLifetime Married at First Sight spoilersMAFS RecapMAFS. MAFS Where Are They NowMarried at First SightMarried at First Sight NewsMarried At First Sight RecapMarried At First Sight Recap 9/30/20Married At First Sight Season 11 PremiereMarried At First Sight Season 11 Spoilers
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