Married At First Sight Spoilers & Recap 10/07/20: Season 11 Episode 13 “Home Alone”

Married At First Sight Spoilers & Recap 10/07/20: Season 11 Episode 13 "Home Alone"

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Tonight on Lifetime their hit series Married At First Sight airs with an all-new Wednesday, October 7, 2020, season 11 episode 13 called, “Home Alone” and we have your Married At First Sight recap below.

On tonight’s Married At First Sight season 11 episode 13 as per the Lifetime synopsis, “For the first time in the show’s history, production shuts down as the Louisiana stay-at-home order is put into place. After six weeks of being on lockdown together, some couples move closer to love while others hit a breaking point.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 10 PM ET for our Married At First Sight recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Married At First Sight recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

Tonight’s Married, At First Sight, begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Officially, production was shut down. The city of New Orleans went into lockdown because of the current pandemic and so the cast of this season of “Married At First Sight” had to act as their own production crew. They filmed themselves during this lockdown. They showed what it was like to live with this stay-at-home order in place and naturally there was drama. The couples were now living together with no idea on when Decision Day was going to happen. They more or less stuck in a marriage for now and not everyone was happy. Not everyone was Bennett and Amelia. Bennett and Amelia were using this time to fall more in love with each other.

They would joke about adopting one of the many rats roaming the city. They also did some work like painting houses or just giving themselves a haircut. Everything was going great for them until Amelia matched for a place for her residency. She found out she was accepted to a hospital in Virginia and so that posed a problem. Amelia had to move for her residency. Her husband has to decide if he wants to go with her or if they wanted to make things work long-distance. Bennett was considering his options. He also didn’t take this moment away from Amelia and he was being super supportive.

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Other couples only wish they could have that. Woody and Amani got into a huge argument over his social media. She wanted to look at his DMs because she wanted to see if hoes were contacting him on the side and so Woody became upset. He didn’t want his privacy invaded. He told Amani to back off and she became convinced that he was trying to hide something. Woody also tried to look at Amani’s phone which ticked her off. They were still fighting about social media as Henry and Christina were growing closer. The two of them spent more time together in lockdown and they would watch shows as well as films together. There was also Henry’s birthday.

Henry celebrated a birthday in lockdown. All of his friends, family, and co-workers blew up his phone wishing him a happy birthday. The only person he didn’t get much from was Christina. She forgot it was his birthday and even after finding out she didn’t really celebrate it. It was okay for Henry. He said they were still getting to know each other and so he forgave the lapse. Henry didn’t mind he didn’t celebrate his birthday with his wife. They weren’t spending every minute together because he has returned to living out of his apartment. He said it was easier for him to do that and stay safe. And so the marriage was only barely operating.

Brett moved back into his own place as well. He left and he took most of the food in the cupboard. Which was really insensitive. He knows the stores are bare and he still left Olivia in the lurch. Olivia had no food in her house after Brett left and that she was so angry with him that she didn’t even want to reach out to him for an explanation. She was just done. Nothing he would have said could have fixed it and he only stormed out as he did with the food because they disagreed about the coronavirus. Brett was scared of the virus. He didn’t want to be infected and so he didn’t approve of Olivia driving miles to go see her mom.

Olivia could have stuck with Zoom. She could have just called her mother and so she didn’t need to drive miles out of her to see her mom. It was irresponsible in a pandemic. Brett left the house because he was upset. He didn’t really tell Olivia he was leaving. He told her he was going moving a few things and so he leaving as he did was a slap in the face. Olivia now considers her marriage to be over. Brett also feels like their marriage is over. He later told the relationship experts that he felt like he was compromising all the time and that he was getting tired of it. And he told the experts that he doesn’t see himself with Olivia.

Lockdowns are hard. It either makes a marriage or breaks a marriage and this time it ended a marriage. Brett and Olivia haven’t talked or seen each other since he left. They, therefore, decided to meet up at the apartment just to get everything out there and while neither of them got the answers they wanted – they did agree that the marriage was over. They were no hope of saving it and so they cut their losses. The first couple to do so and they will not be the last. Miles and Karen’s marriage was in trouble. He went out of his way to do nice things for his wife and to put her first. She just never reciprocated.

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Karen said she doesn’t quite trust Miles when he does these nice things for her. She questions his motives and if that’s really him. She also doesn’t like the way Miles acts sometimes. She feels like sometimes he’s a girlfriend and she doesn’t want another girlfriend. She wants a husband. She wants a man, not a friend. She tried to tell Miles what she was feeling and that hurt him because he truly was trying to make their relationship work. It was always Karen that was pushing him away. She looked for reasons to do so. She was most unfair and she often didn’t see how she was pushing him away.

Miles talked to the experts, too. He told them how there was no intimacy. They didn’t hold hands or look into each other’s eyes and Miles was fed up. He told the experts that Karen doesn’t have the capacity to love him the way he wants to be loved. He was especially angry about what Karen said. She told him he was not being masculine enough for her and Miles didn’t feel like he had anything to prove with his masculinity. Miles and Karen sat down after they talked to the experts. They discussed what they both need from the other person and the conversation went really well. It left them both feeling hopeful for a change.

The couples were married for longer than they thought they would be. Decision Day was pushed back and so all the contestants really had were conversations with the experts. Amelia and Bennett did discuss her residency. She was moving to Virginia and Bennet was still unsure about whether or not he was going. He wasn’t sure when he talked to the experts and so he only decided later on that he was going to split his time. He was going to live in Virginia partly to be with Amelia and he was going to return to New Orleans as much as he can. Bennett made this decision because he knows he wants to pursue this relationship with Amelia and he was willing to do anything to make it work.

Again, Bennett and Amelia proved to be the gold standard. They weren’t as struggling as much as the others were to make things work and thankfully this wasn’t a competition. If it was, Christina and Henry would be losing. Henry said the couple was spending a lot of time together and it turns out Christina thought differently. She felt like her husband was always walking out of the apartment or going off to do something. Christina felt like Henry was trying to escape their marriage and so she was deeply unhappy. Henry was unhappy in his own way as well. He noticed that Christina has been dishonest with him.

Christina lied about where she lived. She said she lived in the CBD area and it turns out she left there to go live in an Airbnb. She was in between that and looking for a place when “Married At First Sight” came up. She also lied about little things about herself. She even went out one night all dressed for what she claimed was just a walk and then it turned into helping her friend redecorate. Either way, she didn’t come home that night. Henry thought she was lying about what she was doing and he figured her for a liar. Henry was told he needed to bring up concerns to Christina and she was advised the same.

They couldn’t just let these feelings fester. They tried talking about it with each other and it was a huge disaster. It was like they were speaking two different languages. Christina started to cry and Henry got really quiet. It was just a mess. They couldn’t change anything about their marriage or themselves if they couldn’t talk and so who knows what they’re chances are. Amani and Woody were mercifully back to their old selves. They got over the social media argument and Amani admitted she only went after it like she did because she had an inkling. She knows now not to cross that boundary.

Amani and Woody went back to being their goofy selves. They have the same sense of humor and they love to dance. They’ve also been talking about having children. Woody wants kids faster than Amani does and he was willing to wait as long as he gets to have those children with Amani. They were happy again. They were on the same page and it didn’t matter that Woody kept trying to change her mind about when they started their family. He was going to do his best to convince her. She in the meantime was going to shoot for that puppy. She really wants a puppy and he really wanted a baby.

A few days later, Christina and Henry’s marriage seems to have imploded because she received text messages from another man who claimed to be Henry’s homosexual lover. Henry denies being gay. He said he hasn’t been sleeping with a man and he also thinks Christina made up the text messages. He thinks Christina is looking for a way out of the marriage. She probably came up with this idea to explain why Henry was just not that into her.


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