Married At First Sight Spoilers & Recap 10/14/20: Season 11 Episode 14 “Stranger Spouse”

Married At First Sight Spoilers & Recap 10/14/20: Season 11 Episode 14 "Stranger Spouse"

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Tonight on Lifetime their hit series Married At First Sight airs with an all-new Wednesday, October 14, 2020, season 11 episode 14 called, “Stranger Spouse” and we have your Married At First Sight recap below.

On tonight’s Married At First Sight season 11 episode 14 as per the Lifetime synopsis, “The stay at home orders have been lifted and the couples venture out for a much-needed getaway in the country. While some renew their bonds, others begin to question if they’ll want to stay married on Decision Day.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 10 PM ET for our Married At First Sight recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Married At First Sight recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

Tonight’s Married, At First Sight, begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Things changed after Covid-19 hit the States. The couples usually got to know each other in a regular dating like setting and that all changed after the pandemic hit because suddenly they found themselves locked up in a small enclosure together. They spent all of the lockdown together. Olivia and Brett couldn’t take it and they ended their relationship. The other couples managed to hold on, but there was a lot of frustration and in some cases, there was even an accusation of homosexuality. Christina said a stranger texted her that her husband is gay. She brought this accusation to Henry and she asked him if it’s true. He claimed it wasn’t. He also said that he felt like Christina wanted it to be true because that would at least explain why they didn’t have chemistry.

Christina and Henry best got along on their wedding day. At the time, they did their best to make the other person feel comfortable around them and they each were honest about who they were. It wasn’t until later that they both began to withdraw from the relationship. Henry didn’t seem interested in Christina romantically and she’s often complained that he’s never issued her a compliment or even told her that he was attracted to her. He told her she looked hot once. It was in front of everyone else and Christina didn’t feel it was genuine. Christina felt like Henry was turned off by her and she didn’t find out until later that it could be because of the way she pushes.

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Christina was an impatient person. She pushed for answers from Henry and he didn’t like that. Henry admitted to other people that he didn’t find them attractive in the slightest. He ended up pushing Christina away with his comments and so she hit back one day that she was looking for a man who’s confident. She said that was a big item on her list. She said this after Henry talked about still feeling insecure from an obese child and that meant she wanted to hurt him with her comment. These two were having trouble from before the lockdown. The lockdown only highlighted their problems and the accusations didn’t help either.

Henry thought Christina is a habitual liar. She’s lied about little things and she’s also said that she used to be a flamboyant liar. She claims she’s changed. He doesn’t think she has and so that’s why he thought she was lying about the text. He thinks Christina was accusing him of being gay to make herself look good. His wife also has negative feelings about him. She thought he was painting her as a horrible to make himself look good and both of them were accused at one point of playing to the camera. It, therefore, was a blessing when the city began to open up. The city began to open up restaurants and repeal restrictions.

Olivia took this time to leave the apartment. She didn’t want to stay there alone now that her marriage is over and so she was ready to move on. Olivia and Brett were out of the experiment. They would not be going to the Couples’ Retreat. The other couples were going and it gave them an opportunity to touch base with each other after everything they’ve been through. Karen works in healthcare. She’s been busy during all of this and so she didn’t really want to go on a Couples’ Retreat. She more wanted some alone time. Karen and Miles did not get closer over lockdown and like others, they appear to be struggling in their marriage.

What was surprising is that Christina and Henry both went to the retreat. Henry had asked Christina to show him the text from this other man and she claimed she lost it. Don’t know how that’s possible? A text message tends to stay on the cell phone until it’s deleted and so her claims were taken to be another lie from her. Henry thought she made the whole thing up. He thinks Christina throws a bunch of things at the wall to see what sticks and its not like he enjoys this quirkiness of hers. He hates it. He also complained to Woody that Christina spent most of the lockdown visiting people. She was rarely home and so why are these two even bothering with a retreat?

Their marriage was more or less over. They were just dragging it out now and the others were beginning to see it for what it was. Woody became concerned after his conversation with Henry. He doesn’t understand why Henry hadn’t just left the apartment after being accused of being secretly gay and so Henry and Christina’s actions only made sense to them. They both weird in their own way. The others were doing better in the competition because they were all trying to get to know each other and then this Couples’ Retreat happened. The others all came together for dinner and they naturally discussed Olivia and Brett.

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Christina came out with what she thought. She said she always had a negative feeling about Brett. Like maybe he was in this for the wrong reasons and she had also told Olivia a while ago what she thought. Christina was one of the first people to call Brett disingenuous. She even went as far to call him an a**hole and she got emotional as she was discussing it. Christina later apologized to the table. She didn’t mean to get that dark and she missed out on the look that was on Woody’s face. Woody said in his confessional that Christina should have been paying more attention to her own relationship than anyone else.

Woody wasn’t alone in noticing the tension between Christina and Henry. Henry tried asking others about their marriages and so Amani asked him about his. Henry told her that he didn’t want to talk about it. He tried to change the subject and Amani brought him back on point because she wanted answers. She was curious about such an opinionated couple. Henry wouldn’t say anything and so they asked Christina.

Christina said she came into this not knowing what she wanted. She had to learn about that part of herself and now she wants a man who really wants her. She doesn’t want to get along just to get along. She said clearly that she wanted someone who was interested in her and then she said she saw potential in Henry.

That was such a lie! Woody had to speak up then because he couldn’t just let Christina say a bunch of words without meaning it and he said if he was in their position (i.e. Christina and Henry’s marital state) he would have to seriously consider walking away. Henry even made agreements sounds with what Woody said.

Henry wanted out of his marriage and there was really no reason why he or his wife would go to the Couples’ Retreat. They weren’t working on their marriage. Miles and Karen for all of their problems were still trying to make things work. They played games on the compound where the retreat was being held. They also talked to each other about what they were feeling and this wasn’t a new occurrence.

Over the past month, they’ve opened up more. They’ve talked to each other about their fears and they got to know each other. Karen was happy with the state of their marriage. It was Miles who was feeling the frustration because its been four months and his wife still didn’t want to sleep with him or even kiss him. She wanted to take her time. She’s been saying that from day one, but Miles didn’t realize how long she was talking until he found himself married to her for an entire lockdown and the only thing they can agree on is Black Lives Matter. They did discuss the protests during dinner with the other couples.

Everyone was concerned. Everyone wanted the violence against black and brown people to end. They can all agree on that and so it was the little things they struggled with. The couples were all asked to write letters to their ten-year-old selves. Amelia and Bennett did it and they both enjoyed the other’s letter. Only Amelia wished Bennett brought her up in a letter to himself.

He more or less discussed other things and so Amelia was feeling left out. There were also some letter problems between Christina and Henry. Henry was very jokey in a letter to his younger self and the one thing he has in common with Christina is that neither mentioned their marriage in their letters.

Christina talked about all the crap she went through. She warned her younger self that she was stronger than she knew and so her letter was very emotional for her. However, Henry thought she was pushing the blame for her behavior onto her younger self. He said she was trying to excuse her pattern of dishonesty. Henry kept on bringing up her dishonesty and she accused of all sorts of things.

Their marriage was a disaster. They didn’t deserve to be there or giving input to others who asked for help. Bennett was going through a real issue. He agreed to move with his wife and he was leaving his whole life behind in order to be with Amelia.

Again, he was leaving the state. He was leaving friends and family to start over in a state where nothing was happening. He would basically be stuck inside all day. It was Amelia that got to leave as a doctor and she was going to be working crazy hours. Bennett was moving to be there for her in what little time they’ll have as a couple. He was giving up a lot and Amelia recognizes that.

She was so happy that he was coming with her to Virginia. The two may not be perfect, but they were close and so were Woody and Amani. Woody and Amani discussed their own marriage. They believe it’s working out because they both went in knowing who they were and that’s something some of the others didn’t have.

Miles did complain about his lack of intimacy with Woody. He waited until it was just the two of them to speak about his frustrations with his marriage and he said he wasn’t sure if he could see a future with Karen because of the current state of things. They were going to have to have sex before he can make such a life-changing decision.

Later on, all the couples went into a trivia night. They played guessing games to see who knew their partner best and the best couple in the game was constantly changing. Christina and Henry had been on a roll. Then came Miles and Karen who were killing it at the end. Miles and Karen won the whole thing with the highest score. And that was able to reassure Miles.


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