Jenna Ortega’s Confession About Filming Wednesday Has Her Fans Alarmed

The Netflix comedy-horror series “Wednesday” has left lovers of “The Addams Family” who rushed to see the film the minute it dropped in awe.

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The film which was based off of “The Addams Family” was centered on Wednesday Addams—a role played by Jenna Ortega. The film is loved not just because of the storyline which is different from what we’re used to in “The Addams Family” but because Jenna did justice to her part.

Jenna Ortega — Jenna’s Character Wednesday

The character of Wednesday Addams has always been known to be a very private, reserved, and dark character. Jenna didn’t just blow the mind of her fans away with her portrayal of the Wednesday character, she swept them off their feet.

Jenna did the part of a spooky teenager who is every bit savage, who cares about no one but herself. Wednesday Addams uses the people who want to be in her life as her friends to get what she wants. She has no room for feelings nor does she get emotional about anything.

One of the scenes that left fans with their mouth open was when Wednesday was kidnapped by the Nightshade society, a secret group that’s been in Nevermore Academy since the days of Wednesday’s mom.

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When the Nightshade society saw that Wednesday wasn’t interested in joining their secret group, Bianca gave the order for Wednesday to be released. But then, Wednesday stopped them on their tracks by showing them that she already freed herself from the rope she was tied with 17mins ago. She then wowed them more by saying “It’s amateurs like you that give kidnapping a bad name.”

Another scene was when Wednesday busted a never-before-seen move on the dance floor during the school’s social day. The moves were all shades of creepy but it got fans really riled up.

Comments like, “I’m predicting this is gonna be a ‘thing’ on dance floors across the globe… Doing the ‘Wednesday.’ ‘Going all ‘Wednesday,'” and, This is how I’m gonna dance at every party from now on.” Was seen on both Twitter, and TikTok.

Jenna Ortega — Jenna Filmed The Dance Scene Sick

While fans were feeling the dance moves choreographed by Jenna, the actress shared that she’s never been much of a dancer. She explained that the moves we all saw was created by her. “I actually felt really insecure about this. I choreographed that myself, and I think it’s very obvious that I’m not a dancer or choreographer.”

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Jenna didn’t just reveal that she’s not good at dancing, she also made a revelation that made her fans feel bad. Jenna shared that she filmed the dance scene while she was down with COVID-19.

“I woke up and it’s weird, I never get sick, and when I do it’s not very bad – I had the body aches.” Jenna went on to say that she was tested while on set and was administered medicine but when she tested positive for Covid she was removed from the set.

When her Twitter fans heard the news, they went wild. Someone tweeted, “[Ortega] filming a whole scene while waiting for her COVID test results AND with obvious symptoms isn’t ‘professional.’ It’s just completely irresponsible.”

Another added, “Jenna Ortega filming that dance scene while she had COVID is not impressive. It’s horrible. Absolutely callous disregard for her coworkers.”

Someone else said, “This whole Jenna Ortega COVID situation is not being talked about correctly because people are making it seem like it’s her fault when it’s really capitalism and Netflix’s inhumane working conditions that is the reason for this.”

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with Jenna Ortega right now. Come back here often for all the Jenna Ortega’s spoilers, news, and updates.

Jenna OrtegaJenna Ortega moviesJenna Ortega newsJenna Ortega spoilersJenna Ortega updatesThe Addams FamilyWednesday
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