King Richard The Biopic Slammed By Serena Williams’ Half-Sister Sabrina

King RichardKing Richard is a biopic that has sports fans excited. Of course, Serena and Venus Williams are famous American tennis players. Their dad, Richard decided early in life that they would become the top players in the world. However, sports fans seldom hear about his family from his ex-wife, Betty Johnson. Now, Betty’s daughter, Sabrina Williams slammed the movie, and Will Smith who acted in it.

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King Richard – Portrays A Onesided Story, Sabrina Williams Thinks

These days, Richard William s seldom makes any headlines. That’s because he suffered some strokes and lives in the care of a son named Chavoita Lesane. it’s not clear who his mom was. While Serena is often in the news because of her friendship with Meghan Markle, the historical family relationships seldom stir the waters on social media. If you were thinking that Richard might join his daughters Serena and Venus on the promo trail for the new movie, you won’t see that happen. Apparently, he can barely talk.

King Richard was directed by Bob Fosse and Richard Pryor and viewers might find the portrayal of Richard frustrating and even infuriating. However, the movie shows little in the way of any faults with him. Actually, the movie seems to gloss over a lot of cracks. The famous tennis coach seems like a complex character, and very driven. He originally decided his daughter would become famous players when they turned four and a half, and he lived his life to see them succeed: seemingly, at the expense of maintaining relationships with his kids from various marriages. Sabrina seems to think the movie is way too onesided.

King Richard – Lead Actor Will Smith Slammed By Sabrina Williams

Will Smith acts as Richard Smith in the movie which you can see on HBO Max or in theaters at the moment. The backstory to Sabrina is that Richard married her mom in the early 60s and they divorced in 1973. Their union produced five kids. He later married Oracene “Brandy” Price, the mom of Venus and Serena. After her, he married Lakeisha Juanita Graham. Sabrina claims that she’s completely estranged from her dad. Speaking with The Sun, she said, “I don’t think I’ll see him alive. I’ve even buried my dad in my head because I know I won’t be able to attend his funeral.”

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She also said, “That’s just not going to be an option, they’re not going to let me, they won’t even tell me. I’ll find out from the media reports or a friend.” Then she ranted about Will Smith acting as her dad in King Richard. She feels very annoyed that he took in the role which clearly only told half the story. The Star noted that “it completely omits their dad’s first family, whom he cruelly abandoned.” Talking about Will Smith, she said that he “should be “ashamed of himself.” 

King Richard  – Have You Watched The Biopic?

If you watched the biopic, King Richard? Let us know what you thought of it in the comments below.

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Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the world of movies right now. Come back here often for more news and updates about the Williams’ sisters.

King Richard BiopicKing Richard MovieRichard WillaimsSabrina WilliamsSerena WilliamsVenus WilliamsWill Smith
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