Barron Trump Being Kept Hostage At Mar-a-Lago, Mama Bear Melania Calling All The Shots?

An 18-year old Barron Trump graduates from high school on Friday and as the son of two permanent A-listers the world is his oyster. It’s easy to imagine Barron having the pick of his choice of colleges and careers but that rosy scenario may not be as bright as it seems.

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According to insiders, his mom Melania Trump has sheltered him throughout his life and is calling the shots on his future. For instance, last week it was reported that Barron would be a RNC delegate for his father in July, but hours later Melania declared that he would do no such thing. So, who is actually in charge of Barron’s life? Here’s what we know.

Barron Trump – Ready To Graduate

Most teens are ready to take on the world after high school graduation. It’s a time to fly away from the nest and test out one’s wings.

But sources claim protective Melania has kept her only child in a “tight bubble” at their opulent Florida residence, Mar-a-Lago. According to the Daily Mail, the sources indicate that Melania has no intention of letting her son loose in the “foreseeable future.”

One insider told People that “Melania will keep her hand on Barron’s future just as much going forward as she has throughout his early and current school years. He is her world. She is proud of him, and she is the primary decision maker on Barron and his future.”

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Melania Trump – And Her Son Barron

Last week Melania showed she is in charge of Barron when she rubbished the notion that the teen would be a Florida GOP delegate to the Republican National Convention in Missouri in July.

The position would enable him to help nominate his father, former POTUS, Donald Trump as the party’s presidential nominee.

Hours after the announcement was made, Melania’s office made a counter statement: “While Barron is honored to have been chosen as a delegate by the Florida Republican Party, he regretfully declines to participate due to prior commitments.”

Barron Graduates On Friday

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Barron graduates from Oxbridge Academy in West Palm Beach on Friday. He’s of legal age and one source said “He is still young and has a lot in front of him. She wants him to be happy and settled in his future endeavors. She wants him to pursue what he wants to do. He is smart and has his own opinions but they are still being shaped.”

But the source added this revealing statement about Barron: “He’s a little Melania.”

It’s been reported that Barron is considering NYU but that remains to be seen—tell us fans, do you think that Barron is free to make his own decisions, or is his mom running his life for him?

Be sure to catch up right here on everything happening with Barron Trump. Come back here often for Barron Trump news and updates.

Barron TrumpBarron Trump MotherBarron Trump NewsBarron Trump ParentsBarron Trump UpdatesMelania TrumpMelania Trump Son
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