Die-Hard Trump Fans Are Voting For Kamala Harris For This Reason

Die-Hard Trump Fans Are Voting For Kamala Harris For This ReasonIt looks like the tide is turning for sure. There’s heavy speculation on social media that suggests Donald Trump might not be too pleased with the latest poll results as Kamala Harris seems to be gaining a lot of ground on him. But there seems to be a good reason for it.

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Die-Hard Trump Fans Are Voting For Kamala Harris For This Reason

Apparently, there are a lot of die-hard Donald Trump fans who have now decided that they want to switch teams and vote for Kamala Harris instead. That’s mostly because they are tired of listening to Donald’s same old rhetoric. 

The former president keeps telling his fan base that if they don’t vote for him, the country will end up suffering under another Democratic president.

While the economy has certainly taken a hit under Joe Biden’s administration, a lot of undecided voters just don’t know if they want Trump back in the White House.

Many die-hard Trump fans are just tired of the negativity, the name calling, and the overall negative atmosphere at a lot of his rallies.

Not only that, but they also think that because of Trump, there has been a huge shift away from the Republican party’s core values and that he’s to blame. 

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A lot of true conservatives don’t like the negativity, nor do they like the fact that Trump had to defend his name during his hush money case when a former adult movie star accused him of cheating on his wife with her.

What’s Next For Donald Trump And The Presidential Race?

So far Donald Trump hasn’t made any comments about the matter, but a lot of his fans and critics know that he’s going to have to change the way that he operates otherwise he’s going to risk losing the presidential race altogether to Kamala Harris. 

Of course, that’s the last thing he wants to see happen, but with the way things are going now, it’s a huge possibility.. Watch this space.

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For now, let us know what you think by dropping us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below.

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Editorial credit: mark reinstein / Shutterstock.com

Donald TrumpDonald Trump newsDonald Trump updatesKamala HarrisKamala Harris NewsKamala Harris UpdatesPolitics
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  • D. Kelso

    I’m at the pointnow i feel like other Trump supporters. Stop the insults and nam calling. Get back to the Bussiness at had. He is loosing this race. Nit voting at all if it don’t change.I ubderstand im one vote but other people has the samse idea.
    If i was him her name would never roll off my lips nor his. Let them hang there self.