Kamala Harris Is Being Compared To Meghan Markle For This Reason

Perhaps this isn’t the comparison that she would like to have. There’s a new report that says one royal expert has gone on the record to suggest Kamala Harris is the ‘Meghan Markle of American politics.” Ouch. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

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Kamala Harris Is Being Compared To Meghan Markle For This Reason

While no one would doubt that both Kamala Harris and Meghan Markle are very ambitious women, royal expert Camila Tominey suggests that the two women have a lot in common, but not in a good way at all.

In her latest piece for The Telegraph, Camila suggested that both women have a talent for not making much sense when they speak. Or at least, that’s how she puts it.

Tominey put it this way, Both Meghan and Kamala spout this sort of pseudo-spiritual psychobabble that sounds perfectly progressive but doesn’t always make that much sense.”

“The Duchess once declared: “Reflecting on where I came from helps me to appreciate and balance what I have now.’ But on reflection, might she have preferred to have come up with Harris’s now-infamous catchphrase: ‘What can be, unburdened by what has been.”

Many critics sure do have a lot to say about the matter on social media. Some have even commented with,Camilla the Liar Tominey conveniently forgot to mention that both have wonderfully supportive husbands who look at their wives with pride and love. Her delusion and jealousy know no bounds.”

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What’s Next For Kamala Harris And Meghan Markle?

Another critic wrote, “Non jealous women like CT would be honored to be compared to either woman. They are smart, well educated, well spoken, passionate and dedicated.”

“Stay jealous that you can’t even stand in their shadow Tominey.”

And then there was this comment as well, “Tominey has no background in political reporting, just hitting up her contacts in KP to gin up malicious stories about Meghan. She has egg on her face for her reporting on a Tory landslide when Labour wiped them out. So she goes back to her crutch of Meghan bashing for people to read this mess.”

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So far Meghan Markle herself has not made any comments about the matter. Stay tuned.

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Editorial credit: lev radin / Shutterstock.com

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  • Karen

    I admire both women. Both are very intelligent, very well educated; VP Harris has a law degree and the Duchess of Sussex has a degree not only in theater arts, but international relations as well. Whereas Prince William’s is in…geography? Wow. That major sounds really difficult!
    At least Harry put his Sandhurst education to good use, serving twice in a war zone before the tabloids revealed where he was, thus endangering not only a prince of the realm, but those who were serving with him. He now has my respect for creating the Invictus Games, showing the world, veterans who’ve received physical and emotional wounds in war, can get back into society, be productive at anything they chose, and are hireable, they’ve got so many talents and skills to offer.
    It seems certain people just can’t accept that a woman can be intelligent and actually use her brain. I mean, the nerve, right? That she can be good at something, that she can be ambitious for herself and others. That she can dare to do things differently, to get results. That she can be loved by the public, especially members of the public who have previously been ignored by the powers that be.
    When Meghan was being attacked in racist ways by the tabloids, the queen said nothing, and the entire family followed her lead in ignoring the bigotry. There was no request from the queen to editors, asking them to reconsider their angle. No indignant speech from Charles, who loves sounding all indignant in a speech. No statement from William and Catherine decrying the attacks on their sister in law. Nothing from Anne, her MIA husband, nor from Edward and Sophie. And the attacks got worse. Even when a BBC journalist posted a photo on social media, of a couple leading a chimpanzee, labeling it Harry and Meghan bringing Archie home from the hospital, did anyone say a thing.
    It’s no wonder Harry and Meghan left that poor excuse for a family. And the country. If hate crimes are up in the UK, I wouldn’t be surprised. If the royals are silent, if only a few MP’s object, well, the majority of the government and the entire royal family must think it’s ok , right? And so, the racists come out of the closet. It’s interesting, that when trump ran for president the first time, hate crimes increased with his racist, nativist rhetoric.
    Yet, neither woman can do anything right. If VP Harris smiles or laughs, she’s not serious. If Meghan isn’t seen for a bit, she’s one of the lazy, idle rich. If VP Harris doesn’t smile, she’s strident and unfeminine. If Meghan appears at a charitable function, she’s trying to attract attention to herself.
    Makes you wonder why any woman stands for it. I certainly don’t.