1000-Lb Sisters Fans Petition For Taunting Tammy Slaton Tantrum Nickname!

1000-Lb Sisters spoilers reveal that Tammy Slaton will stun friends and family with tantrums. And those angry outbursts could potentially ruin her relationships. But as viewers of the TLC reality TV show have seen, Tammy has thrown temper tantrums before. As a result, some fans as well as her family feel increasingly frustrated with her lack of control.

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And now a few fans went one step further in reacting. They created a petition to give the 1000-Lb Sisters’ tantrums a nickname! Find out about the history of Tammy’s tantrums below. And see what fans want to see those angry outbursts called from now on in their petition.

1000-Lb Sisters Spoilers: Tammy Slaton Loves Throwing Temper Tantrums!

Like an angry toddler who doesn’t get her candy bar at the grocery checkout counter, 1000-Lb Sisters star Tammy Slaton often resorts to tantrums. For instance, Tammy has lost her temper over family trips. And she even has staged an angry outburst over a choice of food provided by others. 

As a result, fans have come to expect that the 1000-Lb Sisters star will throw at least one temper tantrum per episode. And that annoys her family, her friends, and even love interests.

Also known as the BBW King, Phillip shared that the 1000-Lb Sisters star pleaded with him to go on the vacation. And she even allegedly offered to pay him. But then the BBW King refused. As a result, Tammy threw one of her biggest tantrums! And she seemed to enjoy staging that outburst, especially with the cameras rolling. 

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1000-Lb Sisters Fans Petition To Nickname Tammy Slaton’s Tantrums! 

But whether Tammy deliberately stages those temper tantrums for attention or can’t help herself, some fans want to nickname them. As a result, they turned to Reddit to propose a petition. And the petition made the end goal clear: “Call Tammy’s tantrums “TamTrums,” suggested one fan. 

And 1000-Lb Sisters fans expressed their views on Tammy’s tantrums, agreeing that her angry outbursts annoy them. For instance, one wrote, “For sure I’ll sign on the dotted line and while I’m doing that I’ll draw up some paper work for her to be..Ward.. of ..the..State.” That suggestion results from the fan’s desire to help Tammy’s sister Amy. “So Amy don’t have to be bothered by her child like behavior cause she already has a child/children of her own to deal with,” explained the 1000-Lb Sisters viewer.

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But another offered a second suggestion. In addition to labeling Tammy’s angry outbursts as “TamTrums,” the fan suggested, “What about calling them “VIBINGS”? And then a third 1000-Lb Sisters fan added a new nickname idea. How about “Tinture Tantrums.” But some liked the idea of combo nicknames, such as “Tinture Tamtrums.”

Tell us what you think. Do you feel annoyed by Tammy Slaton’s temper tantrums and what nickname do you prefer? And after you’ve shared your views, check back on our site for more reality TV news!

1000 Lb. Sisters Tammy Slaton1000-Lb Sisters1000-Lb Sisters Spoilers1000-Lb Sisters TammyTammy SlatonTammy Slaton 1000-Lb Sisters
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