1000-Lb Sisters Spoilers: Tammy Slaton Relapses, Needs Rehab Again?

1000-Lb Sisters fans felt thrilled to see Tammy Slaton finally achieving her weight loss goals. But spoilers hint that the 1000-Lb Sisters star has replaced her diet with forbidden treats. And Tammy’s relapse could mean a return to rehab. 

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Find out what an expert revealed about the 1000-Lb Sisters star. And learn if Slaton needs professional help to return to her weight loss program. Get all the details below.

1000-Lb Sisters Spoilers – Tammy Slaton Relapses!

After proudly sharing her loss of 300 pounds, Tammy Slaton reportedly couldn’t stick to her diet. And experts revealed what the 1000-Lb Sisters star’s unhealthy meal selections mean for her future.

For instance, a psychologist feels that Tammy has relapsed so much that she needs to return to rehab. And the expert also told the Sun that the 1000-Lb Sisters star, 36, might experience so-called “dumping syndrome.” That comes from eating fatty fast food after gastric bypass surgery.

Tammy achieved her 300-pound weight loss in two ways. First, the 1000-Lb Sisters star headed to a rehab specializing in food addiction. And second, Slaton underwent gastric bypass surgery. By choosing these options, Tammy improved her health in multiple ways.

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For instance, when Slaton weighed 700 pounds, she struggled with breathing problems and diabetes. At one point, she even experienced a coma. But Tammy also confessed to drinking eight bottles of liquor each week during her up-and-down ride on the weight loss roller-coaster. However, fans hoped that her gastric bypass surgery would give Slaton a new chance at life.

But just weeks later, Tammy got spotted with a bag from McDonald’s. And she also shopped at a Walmart for chips and Twinkies. As a result, licensed psychologist Dr. Rachel Goldman Ph.D. pointed out, “Obesity is a disease. And Tammy needs to manage this for the rest of her life. The bariatric surgery she had is a treatment for obesity,” added Goldman. “But it’s not a cure. Tammy shouldn’t wait to get other treatment and needs support as soon as possible.”


1000-Lb Sisters Spoilers – Tammy Slaton Needs To Change Her Life

Tammy’s gastric bypass surgery created a small pouch at the top of her stomach. As a result, she needs less food to feel full. And she also absorbs fewer calories from her meals. But surgery alone doesn’t mean permanent weight loss.

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And the sight of Tammy at fast food restaurants has sparked concern for her future. Psychologist Dr. Goldman shared that weight gain does sometimes occur for patients who don’t follow all the post-surgery guidelines. “Weight recurrence is also common,” said Goldman. “And therefore one has to consider a combination of treatments in order to continue to manage obesity.”

After seeing pics of Tammy eating McDonald’s and buying chips and Twinkies, the psychologist recommends that she head back to the medical center to get help. For instance, the 1000-Lb Sisters star “could see a behavioral health provider to assist her in working through her challenges and coming up with a plan.” And Slaton might want to join a support group as well.

1000-Lb Sisters Spoilers – Tammy Slaton Could Get ‘Dumping Syndrome’

Another possible way to ensure that the 1000-Lb Sisters star doesn’t gain back all her weight includes meeting with a nutrition expert. However, Goldman expressed concern about Tammy’s current diet. “If Tammy eats high-fat and/or high-sugar foods, there’s a possibility she could be suffering ‘Dumping Syndrome.’ While only some people get this, it’s where you can suffer flu-like symptoms after eating these food types,” explained Goldman. Symptoms can include “vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, and dizziness when the food ‘dumps’ too quickly into the small intestine. This happens as the food isn’t digested properly.”

And while Tammy enjoys McDonald’s, Twinkies, and chips, the psychologist cautioned that none of those foods belong on her diet. “The type of diet that’s typically recommended for a post-bariatric surgery diet is lean protein and low-fat dairy products. It includes whole grains, vegetables, and fruits. Patients fill up quickly when they start eating again,” explained Dr. Goldman. “So it’s important that they focus on their protein first.”

But above all, the psychologist hopes that Tammy understands her surgery “requires a complete lifestyle change.” For instance, exercise plays an important role in that change. “People that maintain an active lifestyle do tend to do better in the long term. Most people who find surgery to be successful lose approximately 50 percent of their excess weight. But this doesn’t happen immediately and typically is looked at between 18-24 months after surgery. Success also goes beyond weight loss, and once again depends on patients like Tammy’s specific goals,” noted Dr. Goldman.

Tell us what you think. What do you predict about Tammy Slaton’s ability to stay on her new diet? And after you share your views, check back on our site for more reality TV news.

1000 Lb. Sisters News1000 Lb. Sisters Tammy Slaton1000-Lb SistersTammy SlatonTammy Slaton WeightTammy Slaton weight loss
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