Anna Duggar Reacts To ‘Shiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets’ Documentary!

A new documentary, “Shiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets,” explores Josh Duggar, his family, and the religion that influenced the “19 Kids And Counting” clan. And much of the documentary exposes the family’s scandals. But for Josh’s wife Anna, those secrets seem dangerous.

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Find out Anna’s reaction to the documentary. And learn how she feels about the Duggar family. Get all the details below.

Anna Duggar – Slams Documentary As ‘Toxic’

Not a fan. Josh Duggar’s wife Anna Duggar knows all about the new Prime Video documentary series “Shiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets,” an insider told In Touch. But she doesn’t plan to actually view it. And Anna slammed it for several reasons. First, Josh’s wife feels upset that her sister-in-law Jill Duggar Dillard participated in it.

And the insider explained, “Josh’s wife Anna isn’t a fan of Jill. While she isn’t saying much, I hear that she doesn’t want to watch the documentary.” But Anna also learned about the others who participated in the documentary series. And she views all those individuals as “toxic,” according to the source. 

Because the series exposes Duggar family secrets including her hubby’s scandals, Anna views the entire documentary as problematic. The series includes Jill, her husband Derick Dillard, their cousin Amy Duggar King and family friends. And it explores the Duggar family’s fame. But the documentary also examines the 19 Kids clan’s religion,  the Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP).

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Viewed by some as a cult, the Institute In Basic Life Principles follows the teachings of founder Bill Gothard. And that means believing in male authority. As “19 Kids And Counting” showed before its cancellation, the IBLP also values large families. And women must obey a dress code that requires extreme modesty. 

Anna Duggar – Turns To Faith, Not Family

As a result of Josh’s scandals, Anna feels that her faith became “tested. But apparently she’s still a strong believer. She has shifted away from the core beliefs of IBLP,” added the insider. “But her faith is all she has.”

However, some hope that Anna will view the documentary series to “get another wake up call,” shared the source. “But she’s not ready. She’s still trying to cope with what Josh did.” And that involves child pornography. 

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Currently at the Federal Correctional Institute (FCI) Seagoville in Texas, Josh’s child pornography scandals resulted in a 12-plus year prison sentence. And he left Anna struggling to care for their seven children. However, his cousin Amy tried to help Anna. But Josh’s wife wouldn’t accept her offers.

And another insider revealed that Anna has also distanced herself from the Duggar family. Because she views family members’ comments on Josh “as a betrayal,” Anna disengaged. “And she’s still not ready to fully forgive some family members,” added the source. For instance, the documentary shows Jill sharing that she felt forced to support Josh even after his child molestation scandal. Josh allegedly molested five girls, including sisters Jill and Jessa Duggar Seewald.

Tell us what you think. How do you feel about Anna Duggar’s reaction to the documentary? And after you share your views, check back on our site for more reality TV news.

Anna DuggarAnna Duggar NewsAnna Duggar UpdatesCounting OnDuggarDuggar FamilyDuggar family documentaryDuggarsJosh DuggarJosh Duggar wife Anna
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