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August Keen Files Protection Order Against Jenelle Evans

MTV alum Jenelle Evans - YouTube

Jenelle Evans ranted about August Keen on her YouTube, claiming amongst other things, that he’s an aggressive drunkard. Naturally, that upset her boyfriend-come-manager in Las Vegas. So, he ranted back and claimed he took out a protection order against the MTV alum. 

The Video Was A Life Update

Fans heard that the MTV star and her boyfriend split, and she confirmed it on her YouTube. Initially, she talked about David Eason, and compared the two men. Apparently, David is a “happy drunk.” As she talked, she swung the spotlight on her opinion of her new man and claimed he deliberately injured her.

Lots of other allegations were listed and it seemed as if Jace, Ensley, and Kaiser probably witnessed a lot of fighting and yelling. So, that made Teen Mom fans feel sad. However, few of them felt sorry for her now-ditched boyfriend. 

Badly Written Rant By August

The YouTube video by the Teen Mom alum seemed to make her ex-manager/boyfriend very angry. In fact, it looked as if he fast-texted in a bad temper as the grammar found him a lot of mockery on Reddit. First, he shared a screenshot of the alleged domestic violence that he reported. Then, August said:
Share that on reddit and everywhere for me. I been quite to protect the kids but she has left me no choice. I’ve had a restraining order on her since January 20th for false allegations and reports and also her hacking into my phone and wiping it completely and consoling me acting like a hacker did it. She’s a manipulative social path, psychotic and true narcissist. I was quite, for the kids but that video was the last straw.
August Keen Rants About Jenelle Evans - Via Reddit
August Keen Rants About Jenelle Evans – Via Reddit

More followed, and another screenshot revealed the angry ex wrote:

Jenelle your no longer going to abuse men and get away with it any longer. Your a monster and your to cocky with your distruction I kept quite for the kids but you have taken your lies to FAR!!

Did The Post Get Any Support?

For once, the comments focused more on the grammar than on David Eason’s ex. In fact. MTV fans laughed and sneered as they mocked the grammar. And, some wondered about his claims that he can actually manage celebrities. Here are some responses:

  • The grammar. Good lawd!
  • He called her a “social path”
  • I’ve never been to Far, but I’ve heard it’s a great place.
  • It was ‘distruction’ for me. Even my phone knew this was spelt wrong and autocorrected it to the correct spelling.
  • When she hacked and wiped his phone, she corrupted the “smart” part of it. Haha, sorry.

Did you pick up the grammar errors that August made in his rant about Jenelle Evans? Do you care if he took out a protective order? Sound off in the comments below, and come back here often for all your Teen Mom news and updates.
  1. […] It was a bit of shade, admittedly, but it might have been better if Jenelle let it slide, instead of lecturing the nursing student on a public platform. All Maryssa did was say, “Thanks I grew up on the land with that one chick.” Actually, it’s not a lie, and she didn’t slag off the Teen Mom star all that badly. […]

  2. […] take take long for rumors of an unhealthy relationship to begin with August Keen. However, that seems to be over and behind them […]

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