Todd Chrisley Lying About Paparazzi Surrounding Prison?

Critics say Todd Chrisley is lying about the paparazzi surrounding the prison. He claims that someone took a picture of him sleeping without his consent. He fears that the picture could leak. The reality star also claims that there are paparazzi swarming the prison. Some find this hard to be true. Keep on reading to learn more.

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The Issue With Todd Chrisley’s Claims

More details of Todd Chrisley’s claims are in The Los Angeles Times. Critics have a hard time believing this story. Todd’s attorney Jay Sergent alleges that people are taking pictures of him while he sleeps. He can’t even leave his prison cell to exercise because of the paparazzi waiting outside the prison to take photos of him. The user FreaksEverywhere refused the claims in this report on the Chrisley Knows Best subreddit.

“Well, I live in Pensacola, where Todd is serving his sentence, and I have issues with these comments. First, they don’t allow cell phones or cameras in a Prison Facility. Yes, it’s possible that someone has slipped one in, but unlikely,” the original poster argued.

It has been hot in Pensacola for the past month. Temperatures have been in the triple digits. It’s unlikely that paparazzi would be camped outside the prison. Plus, the cellmates aren’t going outside for exercise. The user also argued that there are guarded entries with soldiers who don’t mess around with outsiders.

“Everyone is stopped at that gate and unless you have official business, you’re not getting past the Guard. They question you, and sometimes search your card,” the user argued.

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Is Todd Chrisley Lying?

With all this said, the FC Facility is gated even though you can see the entrance from the gates. They also have a track and an exercise area outside the chained fence, which is in plain view. It’s possible that the paparazzi could’ve taken pictures of Todd Chrisley from outside the gate. However, there haven’t been any paparazzi in that area.

“My point being that no one was snapping pics. There was zero paparazzi anywhere. Just me, passing in my car, which by the way, I was turned away by the guard because he couldn’t make contact with the person I was meeting, to confirm my official business purpose.”

Other critics took to the thread to share their thoughts. Most agreed that it’s hard to bring a phone into prison, although it’s not uncommon. Others believe that Todd Chrisley and his attorney are selling this story that people are trying to pictures of him. If someone did take a picture of him, it would’ve already leaked on social media.

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What are your thoughts? Do you think Todd Chrisley is lying to the paparazzi? Sound off below in the comment section.

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  • Mj stock

    oh, I don’t think Todd‘s lying.