Duck Dynasty Sadie Robertson Unofficially Reveals Her Big Project

The Duck Dynasty star, Sadie Robertson has taken on social media to announce some exciting news to her esteemed fans. Her latest update on the 23rd of February reveals there is a big project cooking up at the backend of her life. And by all indications, the project seems to be extraordinary and would be a stepping stone into the greater limelight. She teased the new project on her instastory and assured the Duck Dynasty fans that the long-awaited devotional book she’s been working on for a while would become a reality soonest.
Sadie Robertson, tirelessly working on her newest project

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All work and no play isn’t a good way to live. You’ve got to live life and at the same time equate your work hard tactics into life. If you can’t combine these two successfully, be sure ready to be kicked out of the celebrity zone. Sadie loves the two lives; work and fun. And she’s doing great living the best lives out of it. Although tied with her busy schedules, the 23-year-old former dancing with the stars contestant still makes out time for fun. Hold on! How does she manage fame with being a wife and an expectant mother? Whoa! Your guess is as good as mine. Sadie must be a natural-born to handling all shades of pressure at a time.

However, in the early days of the week, Sadie shared on Instagram, that work could be overwhelming sometimes. So, to rest must be an intentional mindset for her if she must continue to tread this path. The Christian influencer indeed has been overwhelmed lately; courtesy to the two new lovelies she is about to bring forth into the world any time soonest.

Don’t forget, Sadie Robertson Released A Book In 2020

Live: Remain Alive, Be Alive at a Specified Time, Have an Exciting or Fulfilling Life was the latest book she dropped last year. The title feels alive naturally, you can affirm. It is spirit-filled. Reading it over again, it feels she was speaking to someone who had passed a near-death experience. It feels they were words of encouragement to someone.

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Well, the truth isn’t farfetched from all these deductions. The book was truly written to tackle relationship issues after she lost a friend’s husband to the cold hands of suicide. No one prays for these kinds of omen but it happened and it was indeed an excruciating experience for her. She wanted to reach out to many people in a similar relationship and suicide struggles, and then she began to write.

Nevertheless, Sadie Robertson is not a certified therapist or a licensed counselor. Regarding qualification in this subject matter, she is the least qualified but she wanted to give some light into dark souls and that she achieved.

Duck DynastyDuck Dynasty NewsSadie Robertson
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