Federal Government Responds To Todd & Julie Chrisley’s Appeal: New Details

The Federal government responded to Todd and Julie Chrisley‘s appeal. They’re trying to appeal their sentencing by one case at a time. But, has it already failed? Keep on reading to learn more.

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Federal Government Files Response

The Federal government filed a response to Todd and Julie Chrisley’s appeal. A fan took to the ChrisleyKnowsPrison to share screenshots of the official court documents. It doesn’t look like their request for an appeal will change anytime soon.

There’s still a court hearing in the future. However, the government ruled their appeal as admissible. The government argued that they didn’t need copies of the documents since they have the tax documents, the copies of the bank statements, and the forged documents from the defendants’ emails.


It doesn’t look like Todd and Julie Chrisley will get an appeal anytime soon. They’re currently serving their collected sentence of 19 years in separate state prisons. Some fans noted in the Reddit thread that Todd is probably losing his mind in prison.

Julie can’t handle prison life. Plus, what doesn’t help is that they can’t make money, even behind bars. The famous family lost their TV shows and endorsements. Todd felt they were going to win this appeal process.

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Their daughter Savannah Chrisley has shared their thoughts on her Unlocked podcast. She stated that she was fighting on their behalf. Fans wonder how she’s feeling after their recent loss.

Some have a feeling that Todd put some of his assets in her name, including the house that was featured on Season 10 of Chrisley Knows Best.

Todd & Julie Chrisley – Lose Appeal

Another fan shared another update on Todd and Julie Chrisley’s appeal. This time, a YouTube video explained what happened. They will still have to pay their restitution fees. The family is scrambling on what to do and how to make money.

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Some fans wonder if the other Chrisley family members are going to end up in jail because of it. Others are concerned that they might influence kids to end up as criminals as well. The reason why they appealed their case is that the IRS knew they waited until the very last minute to pay their tax debt.

The best way for Todd and Julie Chrisley to handle this case was to take a plea deal. It would’ve given them a less severe sentence. However, they placed all their hopes on an appeal and encouraged their kids to follow their lead.

What are your thoughts on the Federal government’s response to Todd and Julie Chrisley’s appeal? Do you think they will get out of jail early? Sound off below in the comment section.

Chrisley Knows BestChrisley Knows best Season 9Chrisley Knows Best SpoilersGrowing Up ChrisleyGrowing Up Chrisley Premiere DateGrowing Up Chrisley Season 3Todd ChrisleyUSA Network
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  • Joan

    Why are the Chrisleys in prison when other government officials get away with tax fraud. It’s not fair

    • BlueChi

      I agree. This makes no sense. What good are they in prison? This is cruel and unusual punishment. Let them work to repay the debt.

  • William dixon

    The chances of them winning an appeal are almost zero..They should have taken a plea deal.Too late now

  • Tammy Parker

    I’m a big fan but right now all anyone should be concerned about is those two children let Todd and Julie worry about the mess the created NANNY Faye keep them all in check love you all wish is could speak to you private but for now I will keep you in my prayers

  • Grace

    You have rhe Bidens getting away with more then the Chrisley’s did, and they get a slap on the hand. Look at all Hillary Clinton has done and she is a free woman.Nancy Pelosi and her husband. Why should they get off Scott free, paying nothing for what they have done. Ths Chrisley”s, Trump, Martha Stwart have been and are being accused of anything the democrats ARE REALLY DOING and get away with. It’s called double standards.

  • Diane Dye

    I think the sentence was too long, murders and chil molesters get less time and this family has kids they need to raise

    • BlueChi

      So senseless it is disturbing to think our government works this way! Violent criminals get less time than they got. This seems to be vindictive and not just at all.

  • Bev

    Hunter Biden gets off on tax evasion and felon with a gun. Hillary s t I’ll walking free, fag man Pelosi and his nasty wife get away with everything. I bet the chrisleys are Republicans and the dam democrats get away with everything.

  • Linda Russell

    Release Them there are others that have done worse… REALLY….look what our government has done & our president’s over many years…. The people of the United States have be rob every single day of our lives ever since our ancestors…. Now why are you punishing these two so hard when others done worse….. SET THEM FREE and let them be with there Family!!!

  • BlueChi

    I think they should not be in prison. So many government officials have done much worse and what good are they rotting in prison? Let them work to repay the debt if the debt is even legitimate. This is costing tax payers and preventing them from working to repay. Where is the logic to this?

  • Debra Simmons

    I hope and pray they get the appeal and get out of prison as soon as possible, they should not have to serve all that time in prison.