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Kyle Chrisley’s Victim Angry Over Dropped Charges

Kyle Chrisley, the son of ex reality star Todd Chrisley of Chrisley Knows Best, has had charges of aggravated assault dropped according to the victim. Kyle Chrisley was arrested early last year after he was accused of attacking his boss Devin on the job after the 31-year-old’s paycheck was reportedly $36 short.

Kyle Chrisley – Accused Of Threatening To Kill Boss

Devin has since publicly shared details about the incident during which he says he feared for his life after Kyle punched him in the head and the body.

Devin also stated that Kyle had a knife which he threatened Devin with before two men had to restrain him while Devin locked himself in another room. He went to the ER after to seek medical treatment, further sharing that he suffered bruising and swelling

Kyle Chrisley’s Victim Angry Over Dropped Charges

Devin later learned that the charges against Kyle Chrisley were dropped because Devin and the two men were reportedly subpoenaed. According to Devin, he never received any such notification that resulted in charges being dropped.

Kyle Chrisley – Victim Believes Fame Was A Factor

“When I spoke to the prosecutor, he told me ‘You were subpoenaed but you never showed up,” Devin stated. He went on to add, “Had it been me that attacked somebody, or I attacked Kyle Chrisley they would’ve thrown the book at me. Because of his family and their money and who he is, I felt like, and I still feel like I’m the underdog. Because of his family and fame, he is above the law.”

Kyle Chrisley has since issued a statement about the ordeal, sharing that he has PTSD and was triggered. He also went on to defend his family by sharing that they are not above the law as his father serves a lengthy prison sentence for tax fraud.

This isn’t the first time Kyle has faced allegations and charges involving assault. The oldest son of Todd Chrisley previously made headlines after he was accused of attacking his estranged wife.

Kyle was never officially charged however after his ex stopped working with prosecutors.  Sound off below in the comment section.

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