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My Big Fat Fabulous Life Fans Plead With Whitney On Her Birthday Post

Whitney Way ThoreMy Big Fat Fabulous Life star, Whitney Way Thore was born on April 14, 1984, to Barbara and Glenn Thore. Unfortunately, her mom couldn’t be with her on her birthday this year as she passed away. Nonetheless, Whitney’s crew, friends, and her father made it a special day for her. 

My Big Fat Fabulous Life Spoilers – Whitney Way Thore Turns 39

The recent romantic relationship in Whitney’s life was with an unseen French guy. During the last season of My Big Fat Fabulous Life, it was revealed that they had agreed on an open relationship after the long-distance romance proved to be a challenge. Furthermore, many fans believed the relationship was embellished to create a compelling storyline for the show. As Whitney celebrates her birthday, fans are once again voicing their opinion that she should consider marrying her ex Lennie Alehat.

My Big Fat Fabulous Life fans are well aware that Whitney’s mother, Babs, wanted her daughter to one day experience enduring love. Sadly, she won’t be around should that happen as she passed away. However, many TLC fans still maintain the belief that Babs is watching over Whitney and her father, Glenn. Actually, it seems truly poignant for viewers to think about Babs’ absence on her daughter’s 39th birthday. Now fans want her to stop messing about and just marry another ex, Lennie Alehat. 


My Big Fat Fabulous Life Spoilers – Lennie Alehat & Whitney Thore

Lennie Alehat has been on the fringes of Whitney for years. In fact, they dated for a time. But it fell apart after he allegedly cheated on her. Although they’re still friends, fans really hope they get back together. A few days after her birthday, Whitney shared some photos and videos on Instagram. In her caption, she said, “Lennie painted my toenails.” Plus, he used her hairdryer. So, she added, “y’all please find you an ex like this.”

My Big Fat Fabulous Life Fans Plead Whitney On Her Birthday Post
Whitney Way Thore On Instagram

The My Big Fat Fabulous Life star also said, “TLC sent me a portrait of Goosie to match the ones they sent me of the cats in years [past.]”  After, the crew sang “happy birthday” she enjoyed the gift of “an ice cream cake.” Topping it off, her dad “finagled a surprise birthday dinner.” So, she had all of her friends with her when she turned 39.

My Big Fat Fabulous Life Spoilers – TLC Fans Plead For Her To Marry Lennie Alehat

My Big Fat Fabulous Life fans took to the comments to send in their best wishes. However, a lot of them talked about Lennie. One of them said, “If you and Lenny don’t get it together, Ima send yall to get me a switch!!”

Others also called for her to get married. Here’s an example of that: “Just Marry Lennie, he’s awesome for your soul!!”

Similarly, this comment arrived: “Girl just marry him…and be done with it! You deserve it!!!!”

Do you think that Whitney Way Thore might one day give up on her fruitless manhunt and just settle down with Lennie? Shout out in the comments below.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with My Big Fat Fabulous Life right now. Come back here often for My Big Fat Fabulous Life spoilers, news, and updates.

1 Comment
  1. […] will more than likely see Babs on the show before she passed away. She ended up having a stroke and she was struggling with a long-term […]

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