‘Welcome to Plathville’ Olivia Plath Embraces Being ‘Woke’

Olivia Plath - Welcome to Plathville - TLC - YouTube

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Welcome to Plathville star Olivia Plath won’t reconcile with Ethan Plath who seems desolate after he told her he was done and didn’t want to have kids with her. Well, these days, she’s free to do whatever she wants. Having tossed the fundie lifestyle in the trash, she’s woke and glad about it. Read on to find out more. 

Olivia Plath Was From A Fundamentalist Family 

Many TLC fans don’t like Ethan Plath’s ex, and it seems a bit of a puzzle. Most people wished that the Duggar women would wake up and get a life where they could make their own decisions. Many TLC viewers hated that they were expected just expected to be around to pleasure their men and breed babies. 

Olivia Plath married Ethan Plath young and their relationship ended after just a few years. Team Ethan claimed she was controlling and Team Olivia loved that she never let Barry and Kim Plath shove her in a box. These days, her supporters see her as a voice for freedom, and she makes no apology for having woken up.

Welcome To Plathville Star Is Unapologetically ‘Woke’

On Sunday, the Welcome to Plathville star took to TikTok and explained how she’s been dating a new man for a year and she knows more about him than she ever knew Ethan Plath. That is because they talk. Unlike being there just to do what she’s told and keep quiet, there’s a freedom in having escaped and woken up. 

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Welcome To Plathville Star Olivia Plath Talks Woke - TikTok
Welcome To Plathville Star Olivia Plath Talks Woke – TikTok

Talking about Ethan, Olivia Plath told her TLC followers:

…Before a year had even lapsed, we were engaged. We weren’t even like talking talking like I am with my partner now. We were writing letters…Before a year had passed we were already engaged… I had no idea who I was marrying or what I was marrying into…

Nowadays, the TLC star is aware that she “lived in a  cult.” So these days, she takes a step back looks at her marriage to Ethan, and can’t believe her situation. Now, she doesn’t care if people call her “a feminist” or “woke.” The Welcome To Plathville star added, “I grew up in a world where women were expected to live like they were asleep.” And, “I will take being awake every single day!”


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What are your thoughts about Olivia Plath not caring if TLC fans like that she’s woke or not? She moved away from being a fundie with no voice and found a new direction. Is that such a bad thing?  Do you agree that finding a voice is better than living with someone that you never really got to know? Shout out in the comments below, and come back here often for all your Welcome to Plathville news, spoilers, and updates


Ethan PlathOlivia PlathTLCWelcome to Plathville
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  • Gidget

    She is to woke and a narcissist.

    • Fefe428

      She is not a narcissist. She is simply a woman who grew up in an extremely repressive environment and never had the opportunity to find out who she was as a person. It makes perfect sense that she wants to focus on herself now and find out things about herself that most of us have the luxury of doing while we’re growing up.

      She is also still young and young people in general tend to be narcissistic by nature but that doesn’t make her a narcissist…a bit self absorbed maybe but as she gets older that will pass like it does for most people as they get older.

      I’ve had an up close and personal relationship with a narcissist. I was raised by one and I can tell you without hesitation that Olivia doesn’t fit the bill.

      As for being “woke” I think she’d probably agree with you and like the rest of us that have had that word flung at us since it has become a favorite label used to describe a person who is open minded and tolerant of others I’m betting she wears it like a badge of honor. Personally, I don’t know why anyone would want to be anything but woke because the other side of it is being asleep and unaware, but I suppose if someone wants to go through life that way that’s a personal choice. As for me, I’m very proudly “woke”!

  • Patricia

    It’s ironic that people are against Olivia and think Ethan walks on water. Picture your husband telling you that he loves you but does not want to have children with you. And you’ve married a man that was so sheltered by his parents that he was a baby. Ironically, Ethan’s mother is more a hypocrit than any one on the show. She us do selfish. She deserted her husband and more importantly, her children. Neither Ethan’s father or mother have given their children the tools to cope with the “outside” world!!!!!!.