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Fans are wondering about the future of The Price is Right. The game show has become a staple in daytime television. Drew carried on the role from the late Bob Barker. Red on to see what he had to say about his role.
Drew Carey – Celebrates Milestone
The comedian has been the host of The Price is Right for 17 years. Drew Carey sat down for an exclusive interview with TV Insider about this milestone. He took on the role after Bob Barker retired in 2007. Drew quickly fit into the role and fans fell in love with him.
It’s hard to see The Price is Right without Drew Carey at the helm. In the interview, he admitted that he had big shoes to fill. Drew wasn’t sure if he could take on the hosting gig. But it’s clear that he has a lot of fun with it.
The Price is Right fans shared their thoughts on the matter. Many of them proclaim that Drew fits the role perfectly. They think he brings a different attitude to the show. While Bob loved giving away prizes and hugging fans, Drew brought his humor and positive attitude.
He also carried on Bob’s legacy by reminding viewers to get their “pets spayed and neutered.” Drew would change his closing statement throughout the years. He also tells fans to take care of themselves and to look out for one another.
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The Price Is Right Contract Details Revealed
Drew Carey spoke to TV Insider about his future on the show. He revealed his plans for retirement. It’s hard to believe, but the actor is 66 years old. Drew still feels young and has no intentions on retiring.
“I just show up and punch the clock and hope I have a job every day,” Drew said. “I do have a goal: I want to keep going until I die. This is my 18th season. I’ve got to get to 35 and 41, so I can catch Bob Parker and Pat Sajak.”
This is the longest that Drew Carey has been part of a television show. His previous series was The Drew Carey Show, which he was on for nine years.
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Drew admits he “can’t imagine giving it up” since this gig is “just a great part of my day.” He revealed that his next contract negotiation isn’t for the next few years.
What are your thoughts on Drew Carey’s status with The Price is Right? Do you think he’ll remain the host of the game show? Sound off below in the comment section.
I think Drew should continue being the host for as long as his health allows him to. Bob was a great host and gave it up when he felt it was time. Drew and the others get along so well with each other and Drew has made the game his own.
Drew Carey should host Price is Right until he can no longer. He brings humour,hope,gaiety, & pure fun. He is an incredible human being, who inspires hope. Immense,y enjoy everyt’ing he has done & accomplished.
Yes I think Drew should keep hosting the Price is Right. He is a great host and loves what he does. He really has fun with the show and loves all the contestants. Keep going another 40 years.
Hi Drew i Really like the way you do the Price is Right show i hate to see you leave the show you were good just i bob barker. You are funny when you are on the show Please stay on But it up to you Ok. Your friend Bonnie i am your fan of your just like Bob Barker.
Yes Drew should keep hosting as long as he wants and is able to. Love seeing a fellow Clevelander do so well. Always liked whatever he did on television
I sometimes don’t understand what he thinks is funny, he laughs at his own jokes and nobody else laughs. I would really like to see someone like Mario Lopez become the host, he’s young, very good looking and charming. It’s my opinion and if no one likes it, so be it.
Mario Lopez is a big NO. He hosts a game show now and to me he has no real personality. Drew is fantastic as the TPIR host. Yes, different than Bob Barker but he does a fantastic job. Hope to see him for many more years, he appears sincere and caring.
I love watching the Price is Right with Drew! He’s my favorite host of the show.
There’s no way on Earth he’s going to catch up to Bob Barker or Pat Sajak. He’s only sixty six years old and he’s already starting to show his age. Bob Barker hosted this show until he was eighty three years old, but to be honest, I can’t picture him making it past his upper seventies in his condition.