Sister Wives: Did Janelle Brown Cheat On Kody Too?

Sister Wives viewers are well versed in Meri Brown’s catfish cheating scandal, but is she the only one of Kody Brown’s wives that “cheated” and were unfaithful?  Janelle Brown cheating rumors are ramping up again, and Kody may have just slipped up and dropped a bomb.  Keep reading for all the details and upcoming Sister Wives spoilers.

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Sister Wives Season 18 is the gift that keeps on giving.  On Sunday December 31 another bonus episode of Sister Wives: Look Back will air on TLC.  Kody Brown and his wife Robyn Brown and ex-wives all gather around to watch old clips of their family reality TV show and discuss the events that unfolded while they were on camera.

Sister Wives Spoilers – Kody Brown Melts Down Over Janelle Brown

According to Sister Wives spoilers, one of the clips that the cast is asked to rewatch triggers a meltdown from Kody Brown.  He makes it very clear he has no interest to watch the epic fight he and Janelle Brown had over their children right before the holidays in 2022. 

As you all know, the scenes Kody is referring to ended with Janelle screaming at him to “shut his f—king mouth” and shortly after that argument was filmed Janelle Brown went public with her break-up.

On this Sunday’s Sister Wives sneak peek, Kody Brown shouts at the TLC producers, “”F**k it, I’m not watching that again  No! I’m not. Listen, I don’t want to talk about my breakup with Janelle anymore, OK?”

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Kody Brown’s rant continues and he drops this gem, “I still struggle to admit those [things].  That Janelle and I are not good together, that she’s not a loyal wife and that I’m probably a s**t husband.  I don’t care.  We’re not working anymore and I don’t want to talk about it anymore.”

Kody Brown – Says Janelle Brown Wasn’t Loyal On Sister Wives

It’s interesting that Kody Brown used the word LOYAL.  After Janelle and Kody Brown split there were rumors floating around that she had been unfaithful and cheated, but none of it was ever substantiated. 

A popular theory among fans is that Janelle was looking for love online just like Meri Brown had been doing, and got busted. 

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Or Kody could have just meant that Janelle wasn’t loyal because she took her kids’ side in an argument, but that’s honestly an absurd thing for a father to say.

Do you think Janelle Brown cheated?  Share your thoughts in the comments below and keep checking back here for more Sister Wives spoilers and news.

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  • Marc

    Omg “not loyal” as in cheating. Meri fell into attention. Janelle and Christine should have! He couldn’t be bothered with showing them any attention! Jeez. It was all kody with every single wife. Also. What orange toad meant by loyal is what body expected from his wives. If it meant follow him to the gates of hell. Do, act, feel like Kodiak. Follow the man and what he says and wants and needs. Also the temper tantrums. Lord I believe the man has problems. Mental or psychological or robinetical. No matter someone falls for a little attention and it blows up. She admitted what happened and explained no doubt asked forgiveness. Rather than fix it he would rather just not. It is app about him and “honiring” his opinion and being “loyal” to his opinion. He said moved they moved. He said marry they marry he says get together they did he says stay away they did. Kids grow up and grow their own ways.

  • globee

    If Janelle or any of them did, so what, their lifestyle was the same as them cheating on each other, they were not married. Those women chose to stay in a relationship seemingly without love, and they did for years. What would make any of them believe that at some point Kody wouldn’t care more for one that the rest. He probably wasn’t the best partner, but when will they take some responsibility about those relationships failing. They were all sleeping with one man, had children, screwed up some of the children. Janelle and Christine finally realized that the woman Kody was really in love with, they then started acting like jealous women, and targeting Robyn. They brought the misery onto themselves.

  • Over It

    What he did is considered cheating by being with 4 women. Meri didn’t cheat. They were divorced. Robin was behind the whole thing to get Kody to hate Meri. If Janelle cheated, good for her. Mr Egomaniac can’t stand that they can love anyone but him. Hope him and Robyn are prepared to be miserable together for the rest of their lives.