The Golden Bachelor Gerry Turner Redefines Fantasy Suites

The Golden Bachelor spoilers reveal Gerry Turner reflecting on those famous fantasy suites. But for Turner, the time has come to redefine the use of this feature.

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Find out what The Golden Bachelor star revealed. And keep reading to learn what helped him to achieve intimacy in the fantasy suites.

Golden Bachelor Spoilers – Gerry Turner Talks Fantasy Suites

When Gerry Turner realized he could feel love for three different women, The Golden Bachelor star needed advice. And so he used the wisdom of Trista Sutter. She told him, “Look for the woman you can’t live without,” reported People.

However, Turner also found guidance by using the fantasy suites for more than intimacy. Or, as the 72-year-old Golden Bachelor star called it, “knocking boots” with his final three women. “Maybe it’s a Texas euphemism for intimacy,” said Turner. “But the misdirect is that that really wasn’t what those fantasy suites were for.”

And the Golden Bachelor star used the fantasy suites as a way to provide “the perfect moment to connect intellectually and emotionally with these women. I could have conversations that weren’t basically in front of our grandchildren,” added Turner.

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Golden Bachelor Spoilers – In An ‘Impossible Situation’

But Turner admitted that getting honest with contestants Theresa, Faith and Leslie felt challenging. And he complained about needing to discuss intimate topics while “on camera and mic’d” and talking “in front of your grandkids.” However, in the wake of visiting the women’s families in their hometowns, Gerry faced an “impossible situation.”

And in his rose ceremony speech, Turner revealed, “Tonight, I recognize that I’ve developed a bond and a connection with all three of you and these hometowns mean more than just three of you and more than just me. Now, families are involved and that makes it all that much harder, but I remind myself that this is my journey and this is one more step that I have to make before I’m to the point where I can find my true love, the person I want to spend the rest of my life with.”

But after giving Leslie the first rose, the emotions won out. And the tearful Golden Bachelor exited. He then confessed, “I feel like I’m gonna throw up. I’m looking at two women who either one could be my partner for the rest of my life. Having to send someone home is gut-wrenching. I’m dying inside a little bit right at this moment.”

But Turner later shared how he chose. “I will say this: those three women, I was in love with or I love them, however you want to say it,” he revealed. “They were unique, genuine women. And by the end of my journey, I realized, of course, that only one of them was the woman I can’t live without.”

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Tell us what you think. How do you feel about Gerry’s comments at the rose ceremony? And after you share your views, check back on our site for more reality TV news.

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