The Golden Bachelor: Gerry Turner Stuns With ‘Wrong Choice’ Bombshell!

The Golden Bachelor spoilers reveal Gerry Turner promising that the finale will feature something totally different. But the 72-year-old Golden Bachelor star also advised viewers to keep their boxes of tissues handy for the emotional season’s end.

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Find out how Turner teased the season finale. And keep reading for the bombshell he dropped about which woman he chooses.

Golden Bachelor Spoilers – Gerry Turner Hints At Finale

Gerry Turner wants fans of The Golden Bachelor to anticipate the season finale. And so in a new interview via Life & Style, Gerry offered a teaser of what viewers can expect.

The last episode of The Golden Bachelor will feature “something that’s never happened before,” hinted Turner. And he added, “You’re going to be amazed.” But Turner also promised an emotional ending, saying, “I think you will be moved as much as I was moved in the moment.”

However, Turner didn’t give away any secrets when it comes to his decision about the two remaining women Leslie Fhima and Theresa Nist. But spoilers of the Fantasy Suite episode did reveal both women confessing their love for the retired restaurant owner.

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Golden Bachelor Spoilers – Leslie Fhima And Theresa Nist Both Love Gerry Turner

Turner definitely will face a challenge choosing between the two women. For instance, spoilers showed Leslie, 64, confessing, “I love this guy. And I want to start sharing a life with him,” she added. But Theresa, 70, described her love for Gerry as “amazing.”

However, Turner shared that the fantasy suites helped him to decide. And he explained that this feature of The Golden Bachelor gave him “the perfect moment to connect intellectually and emotionally with these women, where I could have conversations that weren’t basically in front of our grandchildren.”

But Turner revealed that he loves both women. And he wanted to choose the one with whom he would feel “happiest for the rest of [his] life.” However, Theresa and Leslie told Gerry’s family that both of them would welcome a proposal. And that made it more difficult.

Golden Bachelor – Gerry Turner Drops Bombshell!

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But Turner said that he did want to get engaged. However, then he dropped a bombshell. And The Golden Bachelor confessed that he worried that he would choose the wrong woman for him.

“I want to be engaged,” said Turner. “But the possibility is there that I could make the wrong choice. No matter what someone’s going to come out of this situation hurt beyond what I can imagine,” he pointed out. And a sneak peek showed Gerry worrying about the final choice.

“It just isn’t worth all of this. I took a good person and broke their heart. The only time I’ve ever felt worse in my whole life is when my wife passed away and this is a goddamn close second,” he revealed.

But Turner already stunned viewers by sending Faith Martin home. And though she felt hurt, Gerry apologized. “I was genuinely in love with you during those moments,” he revealed. “At some point, when I had three women that are beyond-description-wonderful, I had to figure out which was the right one. That doesn’t mean that the other two are any less wonderful or less important or any less lovable, it just meant that one was right.”

Tell us what you think. Who do you predict Gerry will choose in The Golden Bachelor finale? And after you share your views, check back on our site for more reality TV news.  

The Golden BachelorThe Golden Bachelor newsThe Golden Bachelor spoilersThe Golden Bachelor updates
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  • Brenda

    Faith said she would be unwilling to move away from her grown sons. That could have been a factor!

  • Mary Ann

    I really think he would be the happiest with Theresa Nist. I do not trust Leslie
    If Gerry is not sure he should pass this position.