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Todd And Julie Chrisley’s Financial Fraud Exposed In New Book

New details of Todd and Julie Chrisley‘s financial fraud will come out in a new book. They can’t escape their sins. The Chrisley Knows Best alumni are facing jail time for tax evasion and bank fraud. Keep on reading to learn more.

Todd And Julie Chrisley Spoilers – Government Employee Releases Book

A government employee has something against the couple. The alleged source is releasing a new book that could expose Todd and Julie Chrisley’s financial crimes. This news hasn’t made the mainstream media. Rather, it was brought up on Reddit.

The user CommercialSteak3356 wrote: “Did anyone hear about a book a govt employee is releasing? I read somewhere that a govt employee is releasing a book on the Chrisley tax fraud financial mess and that T&J will be released if it comes to fruition.”

Todd and Julie Chrisley's Financial Fraud Exposed In New Book

The original poster believes that Todd and Julie Chrisley could get an early release from prison. The former reality stars had their oral arguments heard on April 19.

However, it might take up to a year to get a response from the judge. Chrisley fans and critics took to the thread to share their thoughts on these rumors.

“Odd because they are in prison for more than just tax fraud, so I call BS,” one fan responded.

“Oh, wow! I have not heard this but if it’s true, wow,” another user mused.

“I’d be surprised to see any book about the Chrisley’s crimes. They’re not that unique — The people they stiffed and the federal bank fraud is a far worse crime IMHO than the tax evasion,” a third user wrote.

Book About Todd and Julie Chrisley In the Works?

This rumor has fans wondering whether it would happen. Savannah Chrisley has been the voice for her parents. She’s been advocating for prison reform and their early release. She uses her platform to share updates about the ongoing legal process.

She would also be quick to shut down a book about them. The former beauty pageant queen wasn’t on board with the idea of a documentary on her family. She quashed the rumors and claimed that she wasn’t involved.

Instead, Savannah has been shopping around the concept of a new reality show about her family’s life, including their legal drama.

One fan noted that a book already came out about the Chrisleys. The Assistant U.S. Attorney in the case against the Chrisleys wrote a book that was published in December 2022, after their sentencing. The book didn’t mention the Chrisleys. It was material that was based on the author’s years of experience with prosecuting fraudsters.

What are your thoughts? Do you think a government employee will pen a book about Todd and Julie Chrisley’s financial fraud? Sound off below in the comment section.

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