Todd Chrisley On ‘Mission From God,’ Says Government Wants To ‘Destroy’ Family And ‘Break His Faith’

Todd Chrisley and Julie Chrisley became famous on their family’s reality TV show Chrisley Knows Best. But in the wake of guilty verdicts for bank fraud and tax evasion, networks cancelled their show.

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And their crimes also landed Todd and Julie with a combined 19-year prison sentence. But in his first interview behind bars, the Chrisley Knows Best patriarch claimed that officials and the federal government want to punish him for his fame amid what he sees as a personal mission from God.

Todd Chrisley – Says Prison Guards Try To Humiliate Him

In his first interview from the Federal Prison Camp in Florida, Todd Chrisley made his anger clear. And the Chrisley Knows Best alum insisted that prison officials and guards target him because of his fame, per the Daily Mail.

However, Todd repeated some previous allegations about prison in his interview. But this time, the Chrisley Knows Best alum embellished those claims.

For instance, Todd previously alleged that someone took a photo of him in his sleep. But this time, the reality TV star claimed that person sent the pic to his daughter and demanded $2,600 a month in a blackmail scheme.

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And Todd also claimed he heard “recordings of staff members here talking about he needs to be humbled.” However, according to Chrisley, those prison employees wanted to put Todd “in diesel therapy and put him in shackles and let him ride around the country, and then bring him back and that will humble him.”

Todd Chrisley – Feels Personally Punished

However, Julie and Todd also feel punished because of their daughter Savannah Chrisley’s complaints about their prison conditions. And as an example of that alleged punishment, Todd claimed that officials delay his emails to Julie.

“You know she and I email four or five times a day,” revealed the Chrisley Knows Best patriarch. “But they will hold my emails and hold them on her end as well as a way of punishment to us because of what Savannah is doing. And anyone else’s emails will go through within two hours. You may not get mine for five days later.”

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However, Todd also claimed the food looks “a year past expiration. And they are literally starving these men to death here. These men are getting…I don’t know that they’re getting 1000 calories a day,” he added. But Todd spends his money on commissary food to avoid starving.

Todd Chrisley – On ‘Mission From God’

But Todd also alleged that journalists can’t visit him to see what he views as horrific living conditions. However, the Chrisley Knows Best patriarch vowed to stay strong in his religious convictions.

“I’m not going to let the federal government break my faith,” he promised. And Todd claimed that the government “wanted to destroy our family.” Both he and Julie reported to prison last January for their convictions of tax fraud, bank fraud and conspiracy to defraud the United States. 

However, Todd believes that God sent him on a divine mission. And as part of that mission, he has offered guidance to other inmates. Meanwhile, his granddaughter Chloe Chrisley celebrated her 11th birthday with him and Julie in jail. And Savannah shared that Chloe wished for Julie and Todd’s freedom.

“I can’t wait until I’m 13 or 14 because maybe mom [Julie] will at least be home,” said Chloe. And Savannah called it a “freaking dagger. Today is so bittersweet,” she added. “But I have to remember that God has a bigger plan in store for us all!”

Tell us what you think. How do you feel about Todd’s belief that prison staff and the federal government want to punish him for his fame? And after you share your views, check back on our site for more reality TV news.

Chrisley Knows BestChrisley Knows Best NewsTodd ChrisleyTodd Chrisley NewsTodd Chrisley updates
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