Todd & Chrisley’s Pride Ruining Their Kids?

Fans claim Todd and Julie Chrisley‘s pride is ruining their kids. Grayson spoke out on Savannah Chrisley’s Unlocked podcast this week. Keep reading for more details.

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Grayson Chrisley – Doesn’t Give Second Chances

Grayson Chrisley spoke candidly to Savannah this week on her podcast. He admitted that he’s become negative ever since their parents Todd and Julie Chrisley entered jail. He doesn’t give anyone second chances anymore. He sees the world negatively.

The teenager has become numb, angry, and bitter. He can no longer trust people. Grayson admits that he’s not doing well. He has a hard time sharing his feelings. He’s closed himself up around everyone and doesn’t forgive anyone.

Todd Chrisley


It was difficult to hear. Grayson told Savannah that he doesn’t see the world through rose-colored sunglasses as she does. Savannah is someone who tries to stay perky and positive, even if she’s crumbling inside. He’s more focused on himself and his family during this time.

Even though he’s expressed an interest in dating again, Grayson admitted that he’s not in the headspace to do so. He wouldn’t feel bad if he hurt someone’s feelings or if his relationship ended. He feels the same way about his friendships lately. Grayson doesn’t care what happens to his friends.

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Todd & Julie Chrisley’s – Pride Ruined Their Kids?

Most fans don’t empathize with Grayson. In fact, his brutally honest interview made them angry. One of them shared the details of his interview on Reddit. The original poster admitted that it made their “blood boil” to hear what Grayson had to say about his current view on life. They blamed Todd and Julie Chrisley’s pride for ruining their kids.

“Todd and Julie’s stubborn pride, refusing to take responsibility for their actions, is ruining their children’s ability to adjust. As a result, a formerly kind, sweet, caring kid like Grayson is filled with anger and hatred.”

Some fans agree that Grayson needs to get therapy. Others are blaming Savannah for using him and his anger for ratings on her podcast. They argued if she was truly looking out for him, then she would help him get therapy.

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Other fans argued that if Todd and Julie Chrisley stopped blaming the world, the criminal justice system, and their religion for their actions, their kids can move forward. Fans hope Grayson will get some peace in his life since he’s troubled. Some say Savannah is too young to have these kids in her care.

What are your thoughts? Do you agree that Todd and Julie’s pride has ruined their kids? Sound off below in the comment section.

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  • Annette

    I’ll start by saying I have loved the Chrisley’s from the beginning, but, have always thought Todd was teaching them the wrong things that are important. Especially, little Chloe. It’s all about big name brands and expensive clothes and accessories.
    And, if he’s going to reference The Lord, he needs to really know what The Lord says in His word about being prideful and greed. And, Grayson needs to be taught about forgiveness. I hope that Todd learns something from all his dealings. Personally, I don’t think a long prison sentence is necessary. Just have him pay the money back, and, maybe probation. Hardened criminals are being released, but then, sending people like Todd and Julie to prison, long term.
    Todd’s mother is fighting cancer. They have two minor children that they need to be raising. But, this post was supposed to be about Grayson. He needs to talk to his Minister about his feelings, and truly turn it over to Jesus. Harboring those negative feelings will only harm him.

    • Pamela

      Very well said theres so much hurt n anger they need counseling because what Todd did has totally thrown those kids under the bus. How embarrassing for the kids! And where is chase in all this why hasn’t he stepped up more ģods blessings on their families

  • Beverly pitter

    I think they need to be out of prison because look at trump he’s got 37charges a hell of a lot more them theses to he’s going from state to state no one want that piece of shit in office it’s just not right he should be in jail waiting trail he is money is what’s keeping him out he’s buying his freedom

  • Clarissa Elder

    Well they should of taken their plea they would be out of prison but no they wanted to maintain their innocence when clearly they new they wasn’t..2 big dummies

  • Shannon

    I believe if they didn’t let pride interfere and just took accountability for there action I don’t think they would have gotten so many yrs but maybe Grayson needs to talk to someone about his anger hurt I hope that young man finds so kind of peace and joy savannah I think you are doing a great job trying to keep life normal as possibule I hope all iof you find happiness thinking about it chole will be growing into a beautiful young lady Grayson could be married and having children children of his own before your parents get released I understand Grayson he’s feeling Abaddon by his parents Grayson why don’t you go visit them and let them know how this has hurt you so much your used to being mommy and daddy’s baby boy

  • Shannon

    I believe if they doet pride interfere and just took accountability for there action I don’t think they would have gotten so many yrs but maybe Grayson needs to talk to someone about his anger hurt I hope that young man finds so kind of peace and joy savannah I think you are doing a great job trying to keep life normal as possibule I hope all iof you find happiness thinking about it chole will be growing into a beautiful young lady Grayson could be married and having children children of his own before your parents get released I understand Grayson he’s feeling Abaddon by his parents Grayson why don’t you go visit them and let them know how this has hurt you so much your used to being mommy and daddy’s baby boy

  • Shannon

    I believe if they do believe they let pride interfere and just took accountability for there action I don’t think they would have gotten so many yrs but maybe Grayson needs to talk to someone about his anger hurt I hope that young man finds so kind of peace and joy savannah I think you are doing a great job trying to keep life normal as possibule I hope all iof you find happiness thinking about it chole will be growing into a beautiful young lady Grayson could be married and having children children of his own before your parents get released I understand Grayson he’s feeling Abaddon by his parents Grayson why don’t you go visit them and let them know how this has hurt you so much your used to being mommy and daddy’s baby boy