5 Reasons Why Kate Middleton Isn’t Responding To Meghan Markle’s Provocations

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When it comes to all of the royal drama that most likely goes on behind the scenes at Kensington Palace, Kate Middleton knows that it’s best to follow Queen Elizabeth’s lead by keeping calm and carrying on. That might be one of the reasons why the Duchess of Cambridge is not responding to any of the allegations that have been made in the new book, Finding Freedom: Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, and the Making of a Royal Family. Here’s why.

#1 They Come From Different Backgrounds

Simply put, one of the main reasons why Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle never really got along behind the scenes is because they certainly do come from different backgrounds. The Duchess of Cambridge grew up in an upper-working class middle family and has enjoyed the support of her parents and brother and sister all throughout her life. The same can’t be said about Meghan. She has been estranged from her father Thomas Markle Sr. for the last two years and hasn’t spoken to any of her other relatives in a very long time. In fact, her mother Doria Ragland was the only person who attended her wedding from Meghan’s side of the family.

#2 Meghan Markle Fast-Tracked Her Way To The Royal Family

When it came to Kate Middleton’s relationship with Prince William, it certainly did take well over a decade for the future King of England to decide on whether or not she was the right girl for him and the right future Queen for the monarchy. Some critics say that Meghan might have fast-tracked her way to the royal family. It took Kate more than 10 years to learn the ropes of the monarchy, whereas Meghan tried to fit in within only a matter of months.

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#3 Was Meghan Markle Too Pushy?

According to the new book, Finding Freedom, Meghan had done all she could to try and somehow bond with her new sister-in-law, Kate Middleton, but that never happened. Now, it wasn’t because Kate found Meghan to be repulsive, but simply because they didn’t have anything in common. There’s a good chance that the Duchess of Cambridge might have found the ex-Hollywood star a little ‘too pushy’ in wanting to get to know her.

#4 ‘He Said, She Said’ Chatter

With all of the new details and revelations coming out of Finding Freedom, royal experts and critics alike say that it’s all a lot of “he said, she said” chatter with the truth most likely fall somewhere in the middle. The book is apparently telling Meghan Markle’s side of the story, while there’s a chance that Kate might have her own version of what had happened behind palace doors, too.

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#5 Silence Is The Best Answer

If there’s one thing that Kate Middleton has learned the most during her years as a working member of the British royal family, it’s that silence is the best answer. Eventually, all of these media reports will go away and people will forget about the book. But Kate will still remain as the future Queen Consort of England and that’s why she’s staying above all of the fodder.

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