5 Reasons Why Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Made A Mistake By Not Moving To Africa

Even though Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have now settled into their new lives in Los Angeles, a lot of royal fans and critics can’t help but wonder just how long the Duke and Duchess of Sussex will stay there. That’s because there are plenty of reports that suggest Harry is feeling very homesick.

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Would it have been a better option for Harry and Meghan to have moved to Africa instead? Here are five reasons why Africa would have done a better job of putting a smile on Harry’s face than L.A.

Home Is Where The Heart Is For Prince Harry

Prince Harry has made it no secret that he is fiercely patriotic and that his heart will always belong in the UK. But at the same time, he has had a very long love affair with Africa, which is a continent that he’s always considered to be his second home. In fact, some reports have even said that Harry had proposed to Meghan during a camping trip they took to Botswana together. Even some royal reports have suggested that no place on this planet makes Harry happier than when he’s in Africa.

More Privacy For British Royal Family

As a member of the British royal family, Prince Harry is used to being in the public eye. However, he might not be used to living in such a paparazzi magnet like L.A. With photographers at about just every corner in the Beverly Hills area, Harry’s life will be anything but private, which he might find very hard. In Africa, he wouldn’t have that same kind of problem.

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Speaking about his life as a very public figure, Prince Harry once said (via The Sun): “I sometimes still feel as though I am living in a goldfish bowl. But I know to manage it better. I still have a naughty streak, to which I enjoy and is how I relate to those individuals who have got themselves into trouble.”

A More Interesting Upbringing For Archie Harrison

While Prince Harry was born and bred in the UK, Meghan Markle grew up in Los Angeles and considers herself to be a true California girl at heart. But Prince Harry hinted that the couple’s son Archie looked and acted very fascinated with Africa during their trip back in October of 2019. In fact, the little tyke couldn’t stop staring out the mountains.

During their tour of South Africa, Harry even told local reporters that Archie clearly loves being in the continent as well. He said at the time, “He was looking out the window. He has found his voice now and he was bouncing up and down. He was making more noise than he has ever made before and he is smiling the whole time.”

No Interference From The Media – Royal Family News & Updates

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One of the reasons why Prince Harry and Meghan Markle left the UK is because they wanted to be in control of their own narrative. Yet, some critics believe that won’t happen in Los Angeles, seeing how the tabloid press has even more access to them over there than back in London.

In Africa, they wouldn’t have this kind of problem, as they would be able to live in the open spaces that Harry has long dreamed of himself. Before Prince Harry met Meghan Markle, he even hinted that he would have loved to move to Africa. “I’d probably live in Africa,” Harry said, according to Express.co.uk. “I’d like to spend all my time out there… As a job, it would probably be a safari guide.”

More Opportunities To Work On Their Charity Projects

Both Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have worked in Africa many times in the past. In fact, Meghan’s charity work and her deep love for the continent is just one of many reasons why Harry fell in love with her. Should they have chosen to live in Africa instead of L.A., the Duke and Duchess of Sussex would have had better access and more opportunities to work on projects that are close to their heart.

“Look, the rest of our lives, especially our life’s work, will be predominantly focused on Africa, on conservation,” he said during his ITV documentary, Harry & Meghan: An African Journey back in October of 2019. “There are a lot of things to be done. There’s a lot of problems here, but there’s also huge potential solutions.”

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