Amazon Deep Discounts Harry And Meghan’s Bio Finding Freedom Before It’s Even Released

Finding Freedom could be all about finding the bargain bin based on Amazon’s preemptive move to slash the price of the preposterously titled bio from Harry and Meghan. Even before they could gauge sales of the pair’s vanity project, Amazon has chosen to reduce the price of the book from £20 to £13.60.

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It’s an embarrassing move likely to bruise Harry and Meghan’s egos, with echos of ‘Blue Light Special on aisle 8 everyone!’ coming to mind.

Who doesn’t love a deep discount? But for many, any amount of money spent on these two is a waste. Not to mention the millions already spent on them in the UK and in Canada and now in the U.S. If they thought that sales of their bio would help pay the bills maybe they need to rethink that strategy.

Finding Freedom Is The Name Of Harry And Meghan’s Epic Biography

Harry and Meghan’s doorstop, erm, book, will be available In August. It was written by Omid Scobie and Carolyn Durand who were hand chosen and selected because of their Meghan and Harry-friendly attitudes. This means the book will be full of airbrushed quotes and descriptions of these two that border on the otherworldly. I can hardly wait. And apparently Amazon can hardly wait to start dumping the merch.

The Authors Of Meghan’s Bio Are Their Friends

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Sources, including the authors themselves, say the book will portray Harry and Meghan in a positive light. The weighty tome will dissect the events which led up to the ungraceful Megxit.

It has been claimed that after reading the book the public will know the truth about these two, as the words come straight from their mouths to the author’s keyboards.

A source told The Sun Online that, “The book will explore the journey that Meghan and Harry went through in coming to the conclusion that they did. It will make clear that far from it being a snap decision that they took a long time to make it.” Which to me sounds even worse, as if they were plotting in secret behind his family’s backs for a long, long time—how is being cold and calculated better than making a passionate decision of the heart?

In fact, the scenario is much worse than being cold and calculated, as the source makes it sound as if the seeds of Megxit were sown out of Harry’s dislike for his country and family, saying, “before they even got married. The truth is that Harry had been deeply unhappy for a long time. And he and Meghan openly discussed going in a different direction well before they got married.”

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The official on the record sources, Scobie and Durand, have this to say for themselves, “Our mission has been motivated by a desire to tell an accurate version of their journey and finally present the truth of misreported stories that have become gospel simply because of the number of times they have been repeated.”

Meghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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  • Guest

    Not worth a trip to Dollar Tree.

  • Guest

    Maybe I’ll read a library e-book, but then it’s only their whining, not both sides presented in it. Oh well, rich whiney people about life being so hard. Be on disability and only receive enough each month to cover your medical after insurance. I’m so grateful to have that….just under half what I brought home while I could work. Even now they are living off of other people and way above their earnings….disgusting! So no I won’t go out of my way to read their book. Get both sides in it with facts to back up both sides, then I would read it for sure.

  • ole man spirit

    Who cares? Most of us are worried about ourselves and our families and trying to avoid Covid-19.