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Amber Heard And Meghan Markle Comparisons Go Viral On Twitter: Here’s Why!

Amber Heard And Meghan Markle Comparisons Go Viral On Twitter: Here's Why!Amber Heard fans and foes keep arguing on social media. And while some reference her trial against Johnny Depp, others just found a new way to discuss the actress: Meghan Markle. As a result, Twitter quickly made Meghan and Amber comparisons into a viral trend. 

Find out what Twitter commentators say about the Duchess of Sussex and the actress. And see what you think about some of the comparisons. For instance, do both Meghan and Amber truly possess the dead eyes of a narcissist, as one critic claims? Get all the details below. 

Meghan Markle And Amber Heard – Comparisons Turn Viral On Twitter!

Twitter only needs a clever phrase or memorable photo to turn a social media post into a viral trend. And when a body language expert compared Meghan Markle and Amber Heard, his photo and words immediately trended. In his original post, body language specialist Jesus Enrique Rosas claimed that Meghan and Amber act exactly the same, noted Geo TV.

However, the body language expert cleverly used photos of both the Duchess and actress to get his point across. Rosas tweeted a picture of Meghan from her interview with Oprah Winfrey in 2021. And then he compared that pic to one of Amber crying during her trial against Johnny Depp.

But the body language expert put the icing on his comparisons cake with his clever comment. “Memories (…) light the corners of my mind,” joked Rosas, mocking both Markle and Heard. And the tweet immediately went viral. As a result, fans came up with their own ways to compare the Duchess of Sussex and the actress.

Meghan Markle And Amber Heard – Have ‘Dead Eyes Of A Narcissist’?!

However, Twitter then expanded on the comparisons trend. For instance, one fan wrote, “They are both a mess.” And another joked, “They both must have the same acting teacher.” But one Twitter commentator recalled what a psychologist stated at the trial. “2 peas in a pod. Did you catch the psychologist’s comment about “Princess or Victim mode” at the Depp trial?” pointed out the commentator.

However, some Twitter commentators feel that both Amber Heard and Meghan Markle show signs of narcissism. And they bashed both the actress and the Duchess of Sussex. For example, one critic claimed that Meghan possesses the “dead eyes of a narcissist.” But not everyone slammed the two. For instance, one Twitter fan defended Meghan and Amber.

And the fan suggested that Markle invite Heard on her podcast. “Okay hear me out,” pleaded the actress’ supporter. “Imagine Meghan Markle having Amber Heard as a guest on her podcast. They would get along so well!” And the enthusiastic supporter added, “I stand with Amber Heard!”

Tell us what you think. Do you see similarities between Amber Heard and Meghan Markle? And would you like to see the Duchess of Sussex invite the actress on her podcast? After you share your views, check back on our site for more celebrity news!

  1. Jezz says

    Sadly both women do come across as manipulative which makes it difficult for the public they obviously want to influence to sympathize. Both end up making most of their audience very skeptical rather than sympathetic. I think perhaps both women may have had some valid grievances but their behavior can be so extreme it backfires. When a grievance is genuine it shouldn’t require embellishments and that is where these people lose support. People don’t like being lied to and if your opponent can prove there are lies involved thats when the would be victims lose potential support.

  2. JJ says

    It’s disgusting that Meghan was compared to Amber. Not comparable at all. People need to quit hating on Meghan.

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