Americans Sick Of Meghan Markle & Prince Harry Pushing Themselves On USA Media

There’s a new petition on and it’s apparently gaining steam in an effort to get Prince Harry and Meghan Markle to stop pushing themselves in America’s mainstream media. Those who have been keeping up with the goings-on within the British Royal Family know that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle made a huge hullabaloo when they consistently cried out about their need for privacy.

AMP in the post

Of course, this was before the debacle that came to be known as “Megxit.” Since the couple moved to the United States of America, many have argued that instead of a search for a place where they can be recluses, Meghan and Harry have done nothing but seek the limelight.

Now, at least some Americans have had enough of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and have begun an online petition. The title of the petition is “Meghan Markle & Just Harry, please stop flooding American press.” It states in part, “Meghan Markle and just Harry complained that they wanted privacy in the UK … Nobody is quite sure what Canada did to them, but since then, they have descended upon the paparazzi hotspot of Los Angeles.”

The petition against Harry and Meghan’s PR activities doesn’t stop there. In fact, it nails the Sussexes to the door, criticizing Meghan and Harry heavily. It states flatly that, “For some peculiar reason, every time Americans look at the news, the internet, magazines, etc., we have to look at their (Meghan and Harry’s) faces. Why? Sunshine Sachs (their PR firm – whom they pay for – and who have represented Michael Jackson and Harvey Weinstein) seem to be working feverishly around the clock to keep them in the news every single day.”
Americans Have No Time for Meghan and Harry

In a time when American lives, finances, and more are suffering due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the sight of Prince Harry and Meghan gushing over Prince Archie and attempting to drum up attention on social media and elsewhere doesn’t sit well with the masses.

The petition makes the point that “People are dying. We are stuck inside. Our lives have been severely disrupted. Our freedom has been taken. Our livelihood has come to a halt. We do not care what you (Harry and Meghan Markle) do, what house you buy, what $400 sweats you wear, if you felt helpless if Harry feels homesick … we would appreciate you giving Americans some rest from you in the press.”

AMP in the post

If that doesn’t give readers a good picture of the distaste many have for the Sussexes, not much will.

Meghan and Harry Suck Up to Those Who Can Give More Exposure

It’s clear that many view Prince Harry and Meghan Markle as grasping wannabes in American society. While the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have connections due mostly to Prince Harry’s circumstances of birth (along with an amazing inherited bank account) most believe the couple is no better than common gold diggers.

As the petition suggests to Meghan and Harry, “Get a job, pick up a hobby, hone a craft, figure out your game plan for being the middle man to deep pockets … keep pushing your political agendas as you rub elbows with people whom you feel are important because of their bank accounts … continue to be at odds with your family, dragging them through a horrific court battle for no good damned reason.”

AMP in the post

Since the petition’s publication, it has wracked up almost a thousand signatures. While many may find themselves in agreement with the petition’s sentiments, it’s doubtful that it will impact the decisions of either Prince Harry or Meghan Markle.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, Prince Archie, and The Royal Family right now. Come back here often for all The Royal Family spoilers, news, and updates.

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  • Guest

    They must have the adoration of the American public more so than the British, they must keep up appearances or opine and Ellen clooneys etc will ignore them of course opie and Ellen just want them because of his name and family ties (which of course he can never sever) he needs daddy to pay the bills the actress racks up

  • Guest

    Enough of the fake Royal's go home we have our own problem. Try living in our shoes

  • Guest

    Love this where do I sign?

  • Joseph Everett

    US media will not complain it sells copy as an other news outlet and, do not beleive all you read about their popularity in the UK. this is due to the vituperative press they have been subjected to. Additionally what do other cellebs or anybody do any where on the globe in order to gain employment. A thousand signature well wow really earth shaking.

  • Guest

    Why do we all have to know what they’re doing? I don’t care if I NEVER hear/read from them again! They are trash!

  • Awilson

    Don’t agree one bit. I love Harry and Meghan and welcome plenty of news about them. Those people are just haters, angry they are not Harry and Meghan.

  • Loopy Cooney

    You print this story and then add – "Be sure to catch up on everything happening with Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, Prince Archie, and The Royal Family right now. Come back here often for all The Royal Family spoilers, news, and updates." Something strike you as odd about this? I'm Canadian but I'll sign the petition.

  • Guest

    This petition probably was started by the hateful, vindictive British media. They ran their bread and butter meal tickets from Britain with the same nonsense- circulating petitions, bringing the Duchess of Sussex’s crazy father’s side of the family on television and in print articles. These people lied continually on Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry. Now they are starting the same lunacy in the USA. Meghan and Harry aren’t writing and publishing the articles about themselves, it is the journals who are using this couple as clickbait. This strategy of keeping the couple in the news evidently is working and there is a market for keeping Meghan and Harry in the news. As long as the US is printing the truth and publicizing Meghan and Harry’s charity work, what’s the harm. I love hearing about their lives as long as the information is the truth which is what they were seeking in Britain.

  • Jezz

    They have enough money and connections to keep a low profile private life if that is what they truly wanted.

    My concern regarding Megan and Harry is they are doing more harm than good both to their causes they allegedly care so much about and themselves. Their involvement in a cause just results in being so much about them the charity or issue becomes lost in the negative circus they have managed to generate.

  • Guest

    Where do I sign sick and tired of the money grubbing slave Harry boy and his mistress bring back Henry the eighth off with their heads

  • Guest

    Megan again. She always gotta throw a pity party. She need to sit down somewhere her own family don't even want nothing to do with her, she's trifling. Harry never should have got involved with her.

  • Guest

    yes, i'm tired of hearing of her "complaining", while a lot and a lot of people in the world struggling for surviving from natural disaster, sickness, jobless, poverty .. She just wants both fame and money and feeling of power over mand… isn't it ?. Very sad.

  • Guest

    They are pathetic, I’m sick of hearing about Harry’s mental health and meghans poor me I’m being abused, it’s droll and insulting during this pandemic.
    Real people are struggling and dying while they are sitting in there 11 million pound mansion complaining.
    They could be living a more low key life.

  • Guest

    He needs to return to UK and she needs to go away.

  • Guest

    In addition, cannot stand Oprah she is the biggest racist and always has been.

  • Guest

    Why don't they drop dead? They made a career out of Princess Diana! They exploit her more than the press ever did. We have to be subjected to all this banality, because she wasn't wearing her seat belt at the time of her car crash. Think of all the rubbish that could have avoided if only people would use their common sense. The reports said had she been wearing a seatbelt she would have been saved and these two gold diggers wouldn't have been unleashed on the world.

  • Guest

    these 2 are now commoners. They can't expect the British people to support them as they left England because they felt unwanted? Didn't take long did it. I don't feel one bit sorry for them.

  • Guest

    Soooo tired of Meghan. Drama Queen. Look at all the people that have died from Covid or the survivors that are struggling to live. Why is the media pushing it down our throats.

  • Guest

    It was the same in the UK with them plastered all over the mags. However, the British stopped buying them. Magazines featuring the Harkles simply didn't sell. Result – they are no longer hogging the limelight. Stop buying them and the Editors will get the message!

  • Guest

    Why does Meghan Markle think she is so entitled? Is she just a complaining attention grabber? Is the Pope Catholic?

  • Guest

    Archie isn't a prince. He has no title. You might wanna fix that typo.

  • Guest

    WFirst of all Archie is not a prince, his dad is, he could of had a title but not that of a prince, however his parents did not want it.

  • Guest

    THEY ARE PATHETIC,NARCISSTIC,BORING,PHONIES, THEY HAVE DONE NOTHING AS PHILANTHROPISTS! THEY ARE OBSCESSED WITH THEIR OWN BORING,GREEDY,SELVES AND NEED TO READ THE BIBLE! I am saddened that they have disrespected The Queen and Harry, is a wussy, boy, he should be back in England helping ,his brother! Princess Diana would not have approved of that social climbing ,narcissist joke he married! Harry is no prize yet deserves better than her, and she is representing ,Americans in a horrible way! P.s. if one is a decent human being they offer to take care of their senior parents, before they have to be humbled and ask for financial help! I feel very sad for her dad, who shared the bulk of his lottery winnings to help her have the best education, and she is not grateful, this is why they both need to study the bibleand get over their boring,selves!

  • Guest

    What an embarrassing display of selfishness. I think they should be slapped and sent to their room. They owe an apology to every human being in the world and they need a good strong lesson in what true suffering is. Whiny, spoiled, self-serving, attention-seeking, millionaire brats. Piss off! Americans hate you, too.

  • Guest

    I think this article should be splashed at Harry and Megan the same as their pitty party is thrown in our faces! Who gives a rat's A_ _ ! This country threw out the monarchy almost 250 years ago. The queen should make herself more human she farts just like everybody else. She is like the tin man – she needs to get a heart.

  • Guest

    amazing how we always get some news about Harry and megan,They must feed the media or they have friends putting out the inf. we are so tired of hearing from them. Do the give money or time to help the poor with out the media to be notefied

  • Guest

    Poor Harry….

  • devenrenee

    Im beyond sich of Megain and hairless Harry let them count there cash and go into obscurity Shame on that woman

  • Guest

    I wish the media would let Megan and Harry . Die off . She’s a bitch and he’s whipped . Who cares with the many real issues in America !

  • Guest

    I'm so sick of Harry and Meghan, can they just go away already!!!!

  • Guest

    You're sick!! They are attention-seeking freeloaders, living off other people, doing nothing to help themselves!!

  • Guest

    Harry got himself into that mess! I don't feel one bit sorry for him; he's an idiot!!!!

  • Guest

    By this time next year no one will give a rats nasty behind about these two bit "never were's". Maybe try Canada next! You may have better luck there and you'll have two countries to whine about how "badly" you've been treated. Losers.

  • Guest

    Nope. When I see their pathetic mugs on any magazine it's a definate "not wasting my money on it" flag. Screw those two morons and their fugly kids too.

  • Guest

    Someone,Anyone, PLEEZE come get this two and place them on an Island to themselves!

  • Guest

    Sick of them

  • Guest

    I agree. She is using Harry and eventually leave him. Having babies is the way she will be taken care of for the rest of her life. she is very cunning, selfish and men. She is demanding and horrible. Harry is to weak to fight back. She wants only fame, money and to be in charge. I pray that the Royal fanmily fight her and never want to see her ever again.

  • Guest

    So, so sick of both of them…Meghan and Harry, neither one of you are the center of the Universe.
    I have nothing good to say about eithser one of them.
    They are arrogent, selfish and disrespectful.
    End of story.

  • Guest

    Sick of Megan. She's a selfish and greedy individual.

  • Guest

    We in England don't want them, happy that this bitch. left our country.Hope she stays GONE

  • Guest

    i am sick of their whining ,they are rich.a lot of us are still trying to catch up bills and rent that fell behind while not working.they seem to be demanding constant attention. we wish they would go some where else and leave america alone.

  • Guest

    Get a life Awilson!

  • Guest

    That's the problem with the world Titles, what happened to earn your Title by your works not because you are entitled

  • Guest

    There are no words that can truly describe what these privileged couple are doing. They are busy playing whatever cards they can in the media to increase their wealth. If they truly were selfless, contribute all your money and share the wealth with all of us and stop complaining about your "hurt feelings" and creating such drama.