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Archie And Lilibet Not In Touch With Their British Roots Because Of Meghan Markle

Archie And Lilibet Not In Touch With Their British Roots Because Of Meghan MarkleIf there’s anything that the world has learned about Meghan Markle by now, it’s that everything goes her way or ends up on the highway. In fact, there’s speculation that suggests her two children Archie and Lilibet are not in touch with their British roots because of their mother.

Archie And Lilibet – Not In Touch With Their British Roots Because Of Meghan Markle

While King Charles would like to see his grandchildren grow up with British accents and at least speak the Queen’s English, there’s no way that’s going to happen with the Duchess of Sussex in charge.

Archie might be known as a prince and his sister Lilibet as a princess, but that’s as royal as they get. It’s been alleged that Meghan Markle would prefer her children to grow up more American than British.

That, of course, is very concerning for not only King Charles, but maybe even their own father, Prince Harry.

After all, the only like that Harry has ever known has been the royal life and for his two children to be completely out of touch with it doesn’t sit very well for him.

But at the same time, there’s nothing that Harry can do about it, especially if his wife Meghan remains in charge.

Royal Family News – What’s Next For Archie And Lilibet?

There’s also a strong possibility that Archie and Lilibet might see very little of the UK, if at all.

That’s because their mother refuses to step foot on UK soil, so if she doesn’t travel to London, then there’s a good chance her children won’t either.

Archie and Lilibet will end up missing out on all the British royal traditions and of course, growing close bonds with their grandfather, King Charles, and the rest of the royal family.

But for the Duchess of Sussex, that all doesn’t seem to matter as she’s made up her mind. In her eyes, her kids are better off being American.

So far Meghan Markle herself has not made any comments about the criticism she received.

In the meantime, let us know what you think of this story by living us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below.

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