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Are The Zodiac Signs Adversely Affecting The Royal Family?

Are The Zodiac Signs Adversely Affecting The Royal Family?British royal family news reveals that the late Princess Diana was allegedly a hardcore astrology enthusiastic who consulted the experts about the stars. Like millions worldwide, Diana had fun consulting the heavenly constellations for what could be crucial insights into her day-to-day life.

Do you know Diana’s sun sign and how astrologers think it may have affected her behavior? Here is everything you need to know about the royals’ stellar connections!

Royal Family News – Princess Catherine: Capricorn

Princess Catherine, arguably the most popular royal, was born on Jan. 9, 1982, making her a Capricorn and, in astrological terms, well-matched with her husband Prince William who is a Cancer.

According to lore, ambitious Capricorns nature excel in business because they are practical, pragmatic, and disciplined. Kate’s sign describes her nature as extremely private and definitely family-oriented.

Royal Family News – Prince William: Cancer

Prince William was born June 21, 1982 and is one of many in the royal family born in the sign of Cancer, or the crab. Cancers are described as the ultimate family person, which matches the orientation of his wife, Kate.

The sign is said to be known for its warm and loyal disposition, and a willingness to put his family’s needs above his own. William’s caring streak has been on display since the beginning of the year as Catherine undergoes cancer treatment.

Interestingly enough, Princess Diana was also a Cancer meaning that she and Prince William would have shared an extra close bond. Some believe that her sun sign influence was evident in the selfless way she looked out for William and guided him to be a compassionate future ruler.

Royal Family News – King Charles: Scorpio

King Charles was born Nov. 14, 1948, which means that like Diana and William, he is a water sun sign. Water signs are said to be known for their deep emotions that sometimes manifest in a touch of moodiness.

According to Reader’s Digest, “Scorpios have a deep understanding of the sacrifices required to lead” and can deliver a scorpion-like sting when crossed.

Royal News: Camilla Parker Bowles – Cancer

Interestingly enough, both of Charles’ wives have sun signs in Cancer. Make of that what you will! Queen Camilla was born July 17, 1947 and Cancers can be “selfish when their emotions run wild.”

This may remind some of Diana’s claim that Camilla was the third person in her marriage to Charles.

Royal Family News – Prince George: Cancer

Prince George was born July 22, 2013 making him yet another royal born in the sign of the Crab, along with his father William and grandmother Diana.

“Cancers are often seen as protectors, and this trait could manifest in George’s dedication to his country” just as we see with Prince William’s protectiveness of the monarchy as his brother Prince Harry (Virgo) seeks to tear it down.

Speaking of Harry, his wife Meghan Markle was born in the explosive sign of Leo, a fire sign, allegedly incompatible with the water signs that predominate among the senior royals.

Are you surprised? According to RD, “Leos tend to like being the center of attention … But Leos can be very polarizing too. Their confidence and warmth can rub people the wrong way.”

Now it’s your turn royal fans, what do you think of astrology’s take on the royal family?

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Editorial credit: Pete Hancock /

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