Australian Lawmaker Calls Meghan Markle A Horrible Human Who Has Ruined Prince Harry

British royal family news shows that the day before the funeral of Queen Elizabeth an Australian senator has vented spleen on perhaps the queen’s most venomous of traitors, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry. Hollie Hughes let her feelings be known, and spoke for many, when she told of her opinion of the royal runaways.

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Quite simply, Hughes is sick and tired of the hypocrites and described then as, “awful, revolting people.”

Queen Elizabeth died on September 8 at her Balmoral estate, aged 96.

Royal Family News – Queen Elizabeth Has Died

Billions of people across the globe watched the Queen’s funeral today, with history being made with each word, vow and salute.

Hours earlier it was revealed, “Prince Harry and Meghan were ‘uninvited’ to a state reception for world leaders held at Buckingham Palace on Sunday. The couple were reportedly ‘baffled’ by the decision to exclude the pair from the event only for ‘working royals.’”

According to Sky News host Chris Smith, “Harry and Meghan shouldn’t be baffled as they had put themselves in that situation, prompting Senator Hughes to launch into an extraordinary tirade.”

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Meghan Markle And Prince Harry Are Still In The UK

Hughes was honest in saying that she held Meghan accountable for the now disgraced couple’s estrangement from the royal family. As such she thinks that Prince Harry will regret his ugly behavior one day.

She said, “I think he’s made an awful error and I think she’s had a terrible influence over him. She’s just a horrible human. It’s absolutely disgraceful. I don’t know what’s happening with the book he done.”

She is referring to his bombshell tell-all memoir which comes a year and a half after the couple sat with Oprah Winfrey and laid bare their petty grievances against his family.

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Royal Family News – Harry Has Made His Bed

“I’m sick of both of them,” Hughes said. “I sort of long for the day I hope Harry rolls over and takes one look and thinks ‘what have I done’ and comes to his senses and moves back across the pond.”

“They’re awful, revolting, revolting people and I absolutely think they shouldn’t be invited to this and I hope they’re not invited to a lot of other things.”

She concluded, “They wanted a private life, they no longer wanted to be part of the royal family in the sense they were.” In other words, why are they whining now?

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

King CharlesMeghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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  • Yvonne Rose

    Why is she a horrible person, is it because she is colored. Did you hear what a citizen in the Uk asked the king ? While they are struggling to pay for heat ,they also have to pay for the parade. I am from Jamaica while black people work hard and every thing was send to England . Look on the situation that the citizen live in. Prince Harry is just like his mother . He couldn’t stand the hypocrite anymore . Camille is called A Queen Consort . That means she is not good enough to be called a Queen . Look on how Princess Diana was treated .

  • Jacqueline Nelson

    The Australian Lawmaker is right. And the best read of all of us. There is one thing I would like to ask you. I think Harry is as much if not more awful people cuz he knew better. Than the lies that he stood next to her and held up as a traitor. I also do not think that you can excuse Harry’s behavior and I do not think we can never trust him completely he’s ruined the trust. Everyone says his beloved grandmother not since 2020. I just hope her Majesty the Queen rest in peace knowing that she did everything she could. THEY MADE THE LAST FEW YEARS OF HER MAJESTY’S LIFE PURE HELL. HE WAS BAD EVEN WHEN HIS GRANDFATHER WAS DYING.
    God save the King

    • Sherry

      Absolutely and totally agree with you 1,000%, Harry was born and raised in the royal family and knows all the ins and outs and how to conduct yourself in public. What they did by all their lies is disgusting, disgraceful and mean spirited to HM in the last years of her life. May Karma take a very big bite out of them sooner than later.

  • Betty Bollmeier

    This hits the situation perfectly. Megan thinks she is some kind of queen. She acts like typical Hollywood trash. They have more then the rest of us and still think they need more and should kiss their butts. I’m sick of her “all about me attitude “. Harry deserves what he gets. Yeh Harry and Megan how’s it feel to be just like the rest of us?

    • Sherry

      I also agree with you 1,000% and hope the guilt that they feel will tear their souls to shreds..

  • Anne Butterworth

    I agree with you all 1000% how Harry could go along with her after he was born into the royals way of life and using his deceased mother name to get sympathy in America makes me very angry as I was born in Scotland but a pure Australian now they will live to regret this one day.

  • Tokai

    Honestly not surprised at the level of hate spewing from this article. This gossip rag continuously portrays Harry and Meghan in a negative light, and for what? Clout? Views? Do better.