Battle Of Brothers Spills All The Dirt On How Prince Harry And Meghan Repeatedly Snubbed His Family

Battle of Brothers is a scathing look at how Princes William and Prince Harry eroded their relationship, against the backdrop of the monarchy. Written by Robert Lacey it is being excerpted in the UK press just as the equally sensational bio of Harry and Meghan, Finding Freedom, was. And like that book, it’s jaw-dropping claims are rocking the monarchy and setting tongues wagging—and not in a good way.

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The book exposes what really went on at the Sandringham Summit, the meeting called by Queen Elizabeth to try and do damage control after hot-headed and dollar-loving Harry told he world he and Meghan Markle were ditching the monarchy for, among other things, “financial freedom.”

The book also explores the complicated dynamic between Harry and William, the heir, and the spare. And not least of all the tome promises to lay bare the Royal Family’s fury and resentment over Harry and Meghan’s decision to quit.

The Royal Family Was Incensed When Megxit Was Announced And Prince William Was Especially Furious

The book shows that the ish hit the fan when Queen Elizabeth refused to compromise the tradition and value of the crown just as Harry seemed dead set on doing just that.

The honeymoon between the pair and his family was brief as they set about plans to kick start their own royal trademark and mass-market merch, without bothering to tell their boss, Her Majesty.

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Not only was Meghan seeking to cash in by commercializing the crown, but these two feather-rufflers were also fast becoming topics of snide chat show chatter, embarrassing themselves, and the monarchy.

Unlike Finding Freedom which is equally sensational in its own right, Battle of Brothers was written by a well-known, respected royal biographer. Author Robert Lacey has had the crown’s blessing in the past when writing books about royal life but this one was different—The Firm wanted nothing to do with it.

Battle Of Brothers Traces The Rift Between William And Harry To The Very Beginning

This is just one of the tidbits Lacey lays bare in his bombshell book: William was so offended by Harry’s behavior that he refused to have lunch with him before January’s Sandringham Summit.

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Also, Harry and Meghan’s launching of several lawsuits without telling the family was seen as possibly damaging the image of the monarchy and a palace aide viewed Meghan’s “poor me” interview with ITV’s Tom Bradby as, “miserably self-indulgent.”

The book also claims that Harry’s thin skin was on full display when he interpreted a picture of his nephew Prince George with William, Prince Charles, and the Queen, as a gesture about his place in the order of succession.

Be sure to come back here often, we will keep you updated on Battle of Brothers as excerpts are released.

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Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Guest

    you will notice they don’t have these poor black people as friends or visiting them in their white mansion Send them to her people in Botswana see how they do there no media or cameras

  • dustycat

    Leave them alone .

  • Jezz

    I neither love or hate the Royals, if it makes some people happy and they can set good examples to those folk then that's ok with me. I will say this though Harry and Megan are foolish, trying to set themselves up as global monarchy, trying to advise people on political matters such as voting and other global issues. Issues above their education and full comprehension! The Queen fully understands if her family starts getting mixed-up in politics it will put them at a greater security risk. Globally there are plenty of fractions who won't let their meddling go without retaliation. They have a child to consider, they should be very careful of getting political. I would bet the path Harry is on would have his grandmother very worried for his and his family's safety.

  • Guest

    Good grief….will we ever see the last of these two awful people!