Breaking Royal News: Prince Andrew Agrees to “Settlement” In Sex Assault Case

British royal family news reveals the stunning development Prince Andrew has settled his sexual abuse lawsuit his accuser Virginia Giuffre. According to the Daily Mail, her attorney David Boies, “said in a filing that lawyers on both sides were telling the judge that a settlement in principle has been reached and they will request a dismissal of the lawsuit within a month.” Andrew has done so without admitting to her accusations and he has agreed to an undisclosed deal. Andrew has always denied the accusations against him.

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Giuffre sued Andrew, Duke of York in a NYC courtroom last August, claiming that he sexually abused her over 20 two years ago when she was a minor at age 17. She maintained that she was forced to have sex with Andrew while a victim of Andrew’s friend, dead convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

The settlement comes just weeks before a ceremony to honor the late Prince Philip and the June Platinum Jubilee event.

Royal Family News: Andrew Has Reached a Settlement

The civil case accusing Andrew of sex was filed in New York, and now Andrew will make a, “substantial donation,” to Giuffre’s charity in support of victims’ rights. The filing shows that in addition he praised her “bravery” and that of other sex trafficking victims, plus said that he “never intended” to malign her character.

The news comes hours after it was reported that an infamous photograph said to be in Giuffre’s possession may be lost. The widely disseminated picture shows a bare waisted Giuffre hugging Andrew who has his arm around her. Andrew’s friend Ghislaine Maxwell is in the background. Maxwell was recently convicted of sex trafficking and is awaiting sentencing.

Royal Family News: Andrew And Virginia Have Reached a Settlement

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Andrew’s friends maintained that the picture was a Photoshopped fake. “Giuffre claims to have lost the original print of the famous photo of her and Prince Andrew taken in 2001, which could further the Duke’s argument that the image was doctored.”

The document filed in a Manhattan federal court reads: “Virginia Giuffre and Prince Andrew have reached an out of court settlement. The parties will file a stipulated dismissal upon Ms. Giuffre’s receipt of the settlement (the sum of which is not being disclosed).”

Additionally the filing indicates that, “Prince Andrew regrets his association with Epstein, and commends the bravery of Ms. Giuffre and other survivors in standing up for themselves and others. He pledges to demonstrate his regret for his association with Epstein by supporting the fight against the evils of sex trafficking, and by supporting its victims.”

Virginia Giuffre’s Charity Receives Andrew’s Money

A source close to Andrew told MailOnline that there would be no statement issued further to what was in the court document. A second document reads, “We write jointly with counsel for defendant to advise the court that the parties reached a settlement in principle of the above-referenced action,” and goes on to say that the parties involved plan to file a, “stipulation of dismissal of the case,” within 30 days.

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