British News Presenter Makes A Sick Joke About Prince Harry Getting Shot

A British news presenter is getting attention for all of the wrong reasons after he apparently made a sick joke about wanting to shoot Prince Harry. It goes without saying that there are very few people who are actually laughing at this ‘joke’ with others concerned as to why he was even allowed to say it in front of the cameras. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

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Royal Family News: British News Presenter Makes A Sick Joke About Prince Harry Getting Shot

One GB News presenter asked a royal expert whether or not he would ‘shoot’ Prince Harry. He asked his guest, “If you had one fake gun and one fake bullet and if you lined up Prince Harry and James Corden, I don’t know which one you would go for, but anyway.”

Thank goodness he didn’t mention Meghan Markle’s name, right? 

It goes without saying that many royal fans and commentators have had a lot to say about the matter on social media.

Royal author Omid Scobie, who often uses his platform to defend Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, shared a clip of the news broadcast on Twitter and wrote, Unlike this country’s quality news broadcasters, it seems you can get away with saying just about anything on @GBNews — including sick jokes about wanting to shoot people. And people wonder why Prince Harry has been so concerned about his security in the UK”.

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Royal Family News: Why Is The Duke Of Sussex Getting So Much Hate In The UK?

Many of his social media followers seemed to have agreed with his thoughts on the matter. Others also commented with, “It’s sick that people actually want Harry and Meghan dead just because they didn’t want to play the media game. All because they stood up for themselves,” along with, “I doubt he would have said the same thing about any other member of that family. They are whipping people up hoping someone causes harm to Harry and his wife. This is beyond disgusting.”

There was this comment as well, “This is actually scary.  What has Prince Harry actually done to warrant this level of hate?”

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts.

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  • Deborah

    Remark in very bad taste BUT it stated FAKE GUN & BULLET.

  • Mo

    If the Royal family is causing all of these bad comments about their son and brother it is non loving and cruel maybe Harry needed to be free from secrets