Camilla Parker Bowles Stopping King Charles’ Reconciliation With Prince Harry

It looks like there is one person who may be stopping King Charles from reuniting with his son Prince Harry and no, it’s not the person you think it is.

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There’s a new report that suggests it’s Camilla Parker Bowles who is telling King Charles to think twice before he reaches out to the Duke of Sussex.

That’s because she is still quite upset over all of the things that Harry had said in his tell-all book, Spare. In fact, the Queen of England feels like she was personally attacked by all of Harry’s accusations. Here’s what you need to know.

It’s Camilla Parker Bowles Who Is Stopping King Charles’ Reconciliation With Prince Harry

Apparently, King Charles doesn’t want to upset his wife Camilla and that’s why he’s been hesitant about meeting up with his son, the Duke of Sussex.

This comes after reports have indicated that King Charles and Prince Harry are scheduled to sit down for peace talks some time next month.

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One source close to the situation even said, “King Charles is due to return to London from Balmoral in the middle of September which ties in with the end of Harry’s Invictus Games trip to Dusseldorf.

The King has a scheduled official visit to France on September 20 so has a few days to spare in London to meet his son. Staff are trying to fine-tune the details as we speak.”

But if there’s one person who may be stopping these peace talks from happening, it might be Camilla Parker Bowles. But now he feels like he’s being torn in two different directions.

King Charles Doesn’t Want To Upset His Wife

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The insider added, “King Charles is a compassionate man who will only want good things for his children and his family.

He is stuck between a rock and a hard place with regards to peace talks with Harry. He loves his son very much but also knows the hurt that the book spare inflicted on his wife the queen and his son William.”

The tipster added, “I am sure that in time they will meet to resolve and understand each other’s motivations and Kate and Camilla will help thaw the ice between the families too.”

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts. Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals, Hollywood actors, and reality television stars. We’ve got you covered.

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonKing CharlesMegexitMeghan MarklePrince and Princess Of WalesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Sally Rico

    Camilla is a WITCH!! She has medaled in everything all of the way back to Diana. I wish she would some how just got away!!!!!!

  • Sandi

    Camilla has hurt that family for how long? Many years. She butted in and didn’t think of right or wrong with being between a married couple! She wanted what she wanted. She is a big part of the issue with Prince Harry and his wife. That got very questionable years ago. Markle is American but she isn’t a trouble maker by heart. She was and is treated worse than Kate ever was! Kate doesn’t help dither so this trouble maker aka Camilla keeps all in a drama that should of not happened. The king needs to mend fences with his son and his wife then enjoy his grandkids. Can’t stand Camilla and honestly still see Diana as the real queen!!

  • ShanLee

    Puh-Lease do not call her the Queen of England. It is toe-curling. She might be Queen of the Boudoir, Queen of Tarts, Queen of Mean, but she is NOT and never will be the rightful Queen of England. As far as I am concerned that title only belonged to Elizabeth and Diana had she not been killed. If there was ever an imposter, she is it.

  • S Hopson

    She needs to stay out of it!!! That is his son and he has been treated like a spare!! I am sure she is the reason that Megan was treated so poorly!!!

  • Cassandra

    Camilla needs to close her mouth and NOT intervene. This is an opportunity to make PEACE within the Royal Family.

  • Thamara

    Old and ugly terrible woman. Understand you are joke and don’t even think the we have respect for you ugly thing. You broke a marriage,because you are horrible whore. Princess D….She was the real thing and get out Princess Kate…need to be a Queen….

  • Sharon

    I think Mrs. CAMILLA is wrong to try and keep them apart. I didn’t read what Prince Hzrry said about her but maybe why she is so hurt because it is true. After all she was the other women in His parents life. We the people don’t what is true anymore so many lies about
    The Royal family. Good luck to Father and son.